Ancestral File Number:<AFN> 924T-J2
Sources: RC 5, 57; Kraentzler 1288, 1347, 1372; AF.
"Les Rouge"--"The Red."
RC: Sire de Montlhery, Count of Rochefort-en-Yvelines, Lord ofChateaufort,
Senechal of France, Seigneur of Fornay and Gomez.
K-1347: Guy II "Loe Rouge," "Troussel," de Montlhery, Count deRochfort.
K-1372: Gui II de Montlheri "the Red," aka Gui de Rochefort, Count de
Rochefort, Seigneur de Gournay and Gometgz, Senechal de France.
The vast majority of the information presented is obtained from online sources. While I believe it to be accurate, caution must be taken to always be careful of its validity.
Please do contact me if you find errors or have questions.