Virginia's Colonial Soldiers-by Lloyd Dewitt Buckstuck Page 352.
Court Martial Held 10/10/1761 - from Capt. Spek's Company, William
Mastersonfined 20 shillings for missing 2 private musters. Col. John Hite
(8107) and Maj. Lewis Stephens 4517) were present.
John was a schoolmaster in Loudon Co., Virginia, when he bought the 418
acres in Prince William Co., Virginia from his mother in December 1768.
By 1773, John and Sarah had moved to the part of Western Pennsylvania
that was claimed by Virginia, where he was on the tax lists in Springhill
Township in 1773 Bedford Co., Pennsylvania. Sarah paid the taxes in 1783
Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania, and in 1785 Sarah paid in Fayette Co.,
Pennsylvania. They didn't move, the State just kept forming new counties.
John wrote his will June 27, 1781 and it was proved in court August 2,
1782 Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania.