General Notes
Subject: Re: King John Lackland, childrenFrom: "Todd A. Farmerie" <>Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 00:10:31 -0500pegken wrote:>> I appreciated Gordon Fisher's informative note about Henry
Iand his> wives and mistresses. Can anyone point me to informationabout King> John Lackland and his mistress Agatha de Ferrers? A pedigreechart that> someone gave me lists Joan, of Enland as their
child. I havecompared> what I have(undocumented) with another pedigree list with KingJohn and> Agatha de Ferrer and very little agrees-dates or parents ofAgatha. All> help will be appreciated.
This is my first note here.That Agatha was mother of Joan is entirely unsupported. Theonlyprimary source identifying Joan's mother calls her "QueenClementia"which is not helpful, since there was no
Queen named Clementia.taf
DATE 28 FEB 1998
Ancestor Pedigree Chart

- b.~ 1126 in Bramber,Sussex,England d.1192/1193 in After 1179

- b.~ 1130 in Gloucester,Gloucester,England
Page last modified 2/26/2017