Under Holderman-Crain (Joseph Richard Holderman and Christine Crane) quote... Christine Crai n was a daughter of Albert Amos Crain and Martha Ellen Kimberlin. She was born Boyle County , Jan 27, 1906, but was reared in Washington County by her grandparents Wesley Thomas and Sar ah (Sallie) Cocanougher Kimberlin, since her parents were divorced. The Cocanougher family wa s a pioneer Washington County family and their farm and graveyard remain in the hands of desc endants today. The widow of Bill Cocanougher, Ruby Christerson Cocanougher, owns it. She ha s recently moved into Springfield. The first Cocanougher, Jacob, was married to Nancy (Neely ) Silvertooth, maybe part Indian. Her tombstone is a soap stone rock. The family came from Ge rmany. Many people have researched their names - and there are a few books on them. All of Ja cob's children left Washington County except George who inherited the farm. His log house rem ains on the farm no longer occupied. Ruby's father-in-law built a house closer to the road, w here he reared his family. The original land grant made by General Patrick Henry of Virgini a to Nathaniel Grigsby is also still in Cocanougher family. There was no deed made to them. I t was the custom to endorse the original land grant on the reverse side, ot the buyer. Grigsb y never lived on the ladn. His home was in Nelson County .... Submitted by Rev. Harold Holderman