Edith (Edie) Wright
Edith, known as Edie, was born on January 25th, 1913 in
Birth Notes
Births Mar 1913 (>99%)
Wright Edie Mercer Chorlton 8c 1416
Born 25/01/1913 daughter of Edith nee Mercer and Archie Wright
She died at the age of 71 on August 1st, 1984 in
Death Notes
Died 01/08/1984 Sister to May, Janet, John, Hilda,
Note the death dates, address 12, Lansdale Gardens, off Overlea
Drive, Levenshulme the same address for years ,so very sad.
Name: Edie Wright
Birth Date: 25 Jan 1913
Death Registration Month/Year: Aug 1984
Age at death (estimated): 71
Registration district: Manchester
Inferred County: Lancashire
Volume: 38
Page: 986
May Wright
May was born on April 2nd, 1922 in
She died at the age of 10 on December 26th, 1932.
Death Notes
Died 26/12/1932 10years old, sister to Janet, Edie, Hilda, John