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Female Ethel Cecilia Lawrence Click to view Ethel Cecilia Lawrence in the family tree View timeline for this person's branch of the family tree

Ethel was born on November 7th, 1886 in Liverpool.  Ethel's father was Philip Edward Lawrence and her mother was Margaret Goldberg McClean.  Her paternal grandparents were Philip Hughes Lawrence and Mary Bennett. She had a brother and two sisters, named Horace, Gertrude and Daisy.  She was the second youngest of the four children.  She died at the age of 83 in 1969.

Ethel's first family with James Arthur Worthington Golding

‌Ethel and James were married in a religious ceremony in September 1906 in Swansea.1  They had two sons and three daughters, named Leslie, James, Lillian, Mabel and Ethel.

Ethel's second family with Frank Arthur Tarrant

‌Ethel and Frank were married in a religious ceremony on March 26th, 1921 in Liverpool.4 

2 1911 UK Census
3 National Probate Records
4 Liverpool CoE BMD 1659-1812

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