REFN: 6852
Mary U. Rothrock, ed., The French-Broad Holston Country, Knoxville: Ea
st T ennessee Historical Society, 1946, p. 532, Knox Co soldiers in the Re
volut ion included Benjamin McNutt; p. 533, also War of 1812.
1794 COURT: Greene Co, TN Territory, Minutes, Jury duty, Thur 20 Feb a
nd F ri 21 Feb.
1795 GOV: Greene Co, TN Territory, commissioned by his excellency John S
ev ier, Esq., as Justice of Peace and took seat in court on 5 Sep 1795.
1796 MAR: Washington Co, TN Territory, Issued 2 Apr, Benjamin McNu
tt to A my Alexander, Test. James Sevier, bm Benj. McNutt and Alex Purdon.
1802 COURT: Greene Co, TN, Superior Equity Court, 8 and10 Mar, juror.
1804 DEED: Commissioners of the town of Greenville, Greene Co, TN, l
ot 6 8, 1/2 acre on Cross Street, for $10.
1804 COURT: Campbell Co, VA, DB6-598, Nov. 6, Benj. McNutt and Robert W
il ey of Greene Co,. TN, were given a commission, by the State of Virgi
ni a, to examine Isabella Dinwiddie, wife of James Dinwiddie, as to relinq
uis hment of dower in Campbell Co.
1804 GOV: Greene Co, TN, Benjamin McNutt a commissioner.
1806 ITEM: He was a Trustee of Rhea Academy.
1809 TAX: Greene Do, TN, Capt. Evan Guin's District, Benjamin McNutt, E
sq ., 1WP, 6BP.
1811 INV: Greene Co, TN, Court of P&Q Sessions, one of the committee f
or s ale of the estate of Samuel Craig, decd., Oct Term, Settlement repo
rt ed on Fri 1 Feb 1811.
1816 INV: Greene Co, TN, same for Evan Jones, decd, Proven 19 Apr.
1830 CEN: Knox Co, TN, p. 393. Benj. McNutt, M 2x15-20, 1x60-70; F 2x20
-3 0, 1x30-40, 1x50-60.
1839 MAR: Knox Co, TN, 27 Feb, John Sharp to Mary Palmer by Benj. McN
ut t, Esq.
1840 CEN: Knox Co, TN, Benj. McNutt, M 1x70-80; F 1x30-40, 1x40-50.
1844-5 TAX: District 17, Knox Co, TN, Benjamin McNutt, 200 acres $1,60
0, C ash $177.
1850 CEN: Knox Co, TN, 19 Nov, p. 11, dwelling 167, family 171. Benjam
in M cNutt, M92, farmer, RE $2,000, VA ; Mary, F51, TN; Sarah, F42, TN; Ja
mes R ., M11, school, TN; William F., M9, school, TN. A J.R. McNutt, age 3
0, w as living with Joseph Parker in the 1870 CEN, Harrison TWP, White C
o, AR.
1857 DEATH: Knox Co, TN, Benjamin McNutt abt 1857, Knox Co, married ? Al
ex ander (dau. of John Alexander), representative of Greene Co, bur. McNu
tt F amily Cemetery, N. Bank French Broad River above Knoxville. McCown a
nd Bur ns, Soldiers of the war of 1812 Buried in Tennessee, 1959.
I visited the East Tennessee Historical Society in Knoxville last ye
ar a nd discovered that Benjamin died in 1855 because the will was prob
at ed in November 1855 and the court document mentions Benjamin McNu
tt as rec ently deceased at that time. On that trip, I visited the McNu
tt family cem etery (or what is left of it). The cemetery is now located a
bout one mi le from the north bank of the French Broad River along Kodak R
oa d. It is on top of a hill behind a Methodist Church. The graveyard is o
ver grown with weeds and cows graze all over the property. Only one gra
ve h as a readable gravestone ... and it is not Benjamin's, but that of Al
exand er Campbell. [One of that name was a Lt. of Rockbridge Co, Va, duri
ng Re vo War. He resided there in 1787 and his life span was 1750-1806]. B
enjam in was married to Amy Alexander, daughter of John Alexander. Benjam
in lis ts in his will (composed in 1846) these daughters: Polly, Sally, a
nd Amy ( or Amelia) who was married to Joseph Parker (executor of Benjamin
's will ). Amelia is the same person you are naming "Emily". Although th
ey are sim ilar phonetically, we believe Amelia is the correct name, becau
se it is sp elled that way in the will. I'll bet the census taker in 18
50 spelled h er name phonetically as "Emily" instead of "Amelia." Accordi
ng to "Greenev ille-One Hundred Year Portrait (1775-1875)" by Richard Harr
ison Doughty, K ingsport Press, 1974, Benjamin McNutt was elected Senat
or representing Gre ene County as a member of the Ninth General Assemb
ly of Tenn