[basham.ged] 1900 Census Crawford County Arkansas E D 59/10/33 1910 Census Young County Texas E D 275 Sheet 338 1920 Census Bacon County Colorado; E D 13, Sheet 1 Info From Gerald F Basham Correspondence Viola Cathey Info Basham Document No 32 Of all my aunts and uncles, we were most closely associated with the se t wo over the longest time. They seemed to be the most interest ed in my wel l-being both physical and spiritual, of any of my relative s. They lived n ear us since I can remember in Texas, and came to their h omestead joini ng ours just a few months after we moved to Baca Count y. I do not rememb er their first son, Willie who died in infancy. Phronz ia, Daisy and Jam es came to the homestead with them. James was just a lit tle fellow. He a te dry corn and this caused his death, our first great s orrow here. The re were no morticians here then so neighbors took over a nd did the necessa ry things, made the coffin and I think it was a Mrs Tho mas who lined it wi th white material and trimmed it with artificial flowe rs (Daisy says the f lowers were only yellow roses). He was buried at Campo and I know we had to go there by wagon but the a ct ual memory of this eludes me. Flossie and Lonnie Joe were born on the h ome stead. Flossie is about Fred's age and Lonnie Joe was about three yea rs y ounger than Frank. In 1934 Uncle Tom gave up his homestead and mov ed ba ck to his native state of Arkansas. They lost Lonnie Joe in Wor ld W ar II on D-Day. When Eva and Leslie toured Europe they visited his g rav e; that is they saw the white cross with his name on it. Uncle T om di ed in 1952. Aunt Cammie is in a Rest Home at Harrison, Arkansas. S he a nd Aunt Hortense are the only one of my relatives of that generati on lef t. Written in 1972 by Lillian (Thornton) Collings Niece of Thomas J effers on Basham Jr