[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 199
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
ID: I4690
Name: Mary Shatswell
Given Name: Mary
Surname: Shatswell
Sex: F
_UID: 5A2284A6FD05734F985D3D59D30DAED053B1
Birth: 1606 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England
Death: 28 APR 1694 in Newbury,Essex Co,MA
Father: John Shatswell
Mother: Judith Dillingham
Father: John Shatswell b: 1574 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England
Mother: Judith Dillingham b: 1578 in England
Marriage 1 John Webster b: 27 JAN 1604/5 in Oulton, Suffolk, England
Married: 1624 in Ipswich, Suffolk, England
Elizabeth Webster b: 1640 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Abigail Webster b: 1642 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts
Nathan Webster b: ABT 1646 in Ipswitch, Essex, MA
Mary Webster b: 1 JAN 1633 in Ipswich, Essex County, MA
John Webster b: ABT 1632 in Ipswich,Essex Co,MA
Hannah Webster b: 23 DEC 1635 in Ipswich, Essex Co., MA
Stephen Webster b: BET 1637 AND 1639
Israel Webster b: 1644 in Ipswitch, Essex, MA
Marriage 2 John Emery b: 29 SEP 1598 in Romsey,Hampshire,England
Married: 29 OCT 1650 in Newbury, Essex Co., MA 1 2
Jonathan Emery b: 13 MAY 1652 in Newbury, MA
Abbrev: Newbury MA VR's
Title: Vital Records of Newbury, Massachusetts to the End of the Year 1849
Publication: Salem, MA : Essex Institute, 1911
Abbrev: The American Genealogist (TAG)
Title: The American Genealogist (TAG)
Book, Four Generations of the Descendants of John Webster of Ipswich MA
Book, Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England
Book, New England Marriages Prior to 1700, by Torrey
WEBSTER, John (-1646) & Mary (SHATSWELL) (-1694), m/2 John EMERY 1649); ca 1627?, in England, Ipswich.
Book, Old Families of Salisbury & Amesbury, by David Hoyt
Book, Ancestry of Charles Stinson Pillsbury and John Sargent Pillsbury, by
Mary Holman 1938. Mary Shatswell born in England abt 1610, died in Newbury MA 3 Nov 1683,sister of Theophilus and John Shatswell (or Satchwell).
FGS: Laura Armetta 1201 Gilbert Ave, Downers Grove IL 60515 5/87
Book, Some of the Descendants of John Webster of Ipswich MA 1634, John C Webster MD 1912. Her home was on the lot adjoining John Webster's. The family subsequently moved to Newbury, MA.
"Petition of Mary widow of John Webster, that her eldest son John, should have the farm, of about 32 cres, which lyeth between Mr. Rogers oxe pasture and Thom. Bishop's farm, when he is twenty-one years, he to pay Nathan, the youngest child, 5li at fourteen years, if he refuse, then the 1/4 of the land in kind or worth; that Mary Stephen and Hanna may have the island bought of the widow Andrews, in equal portions, when they shall be twenty-one; that Elizabeth, Abigail and Israell have 20 nobles each when twenty-one; that the dwelling house and 6 acres of land (be) tied to make it good. The Court, 4 Nov 1646, granted the estate be ordered as the widow desired and appointed her administratrix, to give bond for security in such sum as the next Ipswich court shall approve and receive of her the inventory amounting to 147li. 5s." (Mass Bay Colony Records, 2:184)
In the Emery account the illegibility of the will of Mary (Shatswell) (Webster) is mentioned. Experts have failed to decipher it. Apparently she mentions all her children excepting her daughter Mary and her son Nathan. As mentioned in the Emery account Mary Webster has always ween supposed to have been the wide of John Ememry but exception has recently been taken to this, (by Clarency A. Torrey, Ph. B of Dorchester MA, a genealogist) it being held that the old town clerk who made the addition to the town record knew he wrote the bride of John Emery (who according to the old town record married 29 Oct 1650) was the widow Webster. That may be granted but it does not seem probable that she also added the date and this date of 1650 is three years later than the real date of marriage of widow Webster and John Emery, Sr. Henrce the error seems to have been in his addition to the older record. The argument is also made that Mary did not mention her daughter Mary in her will. There may have been a reason for that if it is true but there are two clauses in the will that are really unreadable and one may mention her daughter Emery, or Nathan, the son who is also omitted. Mary Emery's will begins in a good hand and after a few sentences changes to the illegible one.
"In the name of God Amen. I Mary Emery of Newbury in the Co of Essex in the province of the MA Bay in New England (Widow and Relict of John Emery late of newbury deceased) being weake of Body but of a depos mind do make this as my last will and testament as followeth viz Imp'm I give (change of writing) too y Son Jonathan Emrye I give ten pounds of that my Husband gave me in his last will and testament upon that god will w-- I doe b to him my son Jonothan Emrye -- I givealsoe that thirtye shillinges my son borrowed of me to Isreles far (Four) daughtre twentie shillings. I give also too John Websters son Isrell ten shillings -- I give too my duaghter Simon my Serge Gown- I give (sentence illegible: this sentence has been read,: "I give to Miss Ruth Ayer apron" an impossible reading. First it offends the order of procedure that is Mary is naming her daughters and would scarcely interpolate a person out of the family in the middle of them. Secondly, the words themselves are wrong. "Miss" is apparently Miy and at the same time the word "Miss" was not used but "Mis" was an abbreviation of Mistress; "Ruth" undoubtedly begins with an F, it might be Fell or Full, etc.: "Ayer" is certainly incorrect, the second letter being an undoubted g, like all the ones in "Give," a word repeated many times. The clause is unreadable apparently.) I give alsoe to Abigell M'ell on white handchytr. I give also too Johanna Mythe a blck Silke hoke. I give to my dafter Ebenezr the rest of my wearing cloths I doe also (ill.) my son Steven to paye to Hanah Emeson twentye Shilinges - and to Abigell Mrell twenty shilinges and the rest I give to my son Steven Webster. Apryl the fist day 1693. Sind seled and delivd in the prsce of us James Gulmar and Elisabeth X Bricket (x her mark). Mary Emery abovesaid appeared the first day of August 1693 in the fifth year of theyr majestics Regn (and blotted) acknowledged the above written instrument to be her act and deed before Mr DanielPiers one of theyr Majesties Justices of the Peace. Received into the registry this 1t day of June 1696 exibited by Jackman." The will was proved 11 Nov 1696. (Original will, 8994, Essex Co. Probate) The above legatees were her son Jonathan Emery; her deceased son Israel Webster's four daughters, her grandson Israel Webster, son of her son John Webster, Her daughter Elizabeth (Webster) Simonds; her daughter Abigail (Webster) Emerson; her daughter, Ebenezar (Emery) Hoag, her daughterHanah (Webster) Emerson; and her son Steven Webster. To her eldest sonJohn Webster she left nothing nor to her son Israel, beause the latter wasdead, but in each case remembered a child or children of theirs. She left nothing to her daughter Mary, but the illegible clause may well ahve been a gift to some child or grandchild of Mary (Webster) Emery. She apparently does not mention her son Nathan Webster or any child of his.
Email: NHROCKIN list thebissons@@worldnet.att.net Ellen Knowles Bisson 3/99
Email: MaryM6@@aol.com 1/2000
Internet: www.familytreemaker.com/users/r/i/c/Craig--Rice Ancestry of Julia Cristina RICE by Craig Rice 363 Bennington Ct., Saline MI 48176-1071, craig.rice@@wl.com 1/2000