[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
It is not yet known what the relationship was between John and the twoearliest
named Dillinghams in Dean: Thomas (1448) and William (1452). John is first
mentioned in Dean records in 1521, and from the available evidence he was
probably born ca 1495, which suggests a gap of two generations making hima
possible grandson of either Thomas or William. It is likely that theywere sons
of Thomas Dylyngham, mentioned in 1448 in a land grant relating to landgrants
in Bolnhurst, Pertenhall, Keysoe and Dean. [Speculations by ED]
There is evidence that John's wife Joan was the daughter of an Oundlemercer,
Richard Olyff, as a legacy from Olyff was the subject of a dispute. ...
When John Dillingham, yeoman, prepared his last will and testament (beingwhole
in mind and sick in body) on the 19th August 1540, he made bequests to his
eight sons, Thomas, William, John, Henry, Walter, Robert, Richard andHumphrey,
and daughter Alice, in addition to "the child that my wife is great with".
All ten of the children survived to maturity, including Agnes, and sonsJohn,
William and Thomas had already produced male heirs.
Dillingham Family Genealogical Exchange Bulletin, Vol IX, page 8ff.
John was contemporaneous with Henry VIII (b.1491)
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From Alexander
At Somerset House in London are the wills of Walter, John and RichardDillingham.
Abstract of will of John Dillingham the elder, of Over Deane in thecounty of Bedford, yeoman.
Desired to be buried in the church or churchyard of Deane.
To wife Katherine, property in Over Deane and Nether Deane.
Mother Dillingham ( her Christian name not given).
Brothers Henry Dillingham, Richard Dillingham, William
Dillingham (parson of Cranford).
Elizabeth Dillingham daughter of brother Henry.
Brother Turner's.children ( no names given).
Sister Elizabeth.
Alice Dlllingham, daughter of sister Margery.
Thomazine Dillingham, daughter of Henry.
Brother Loftes' his twoe children (no names given).
Clement Dillingham. -
Brother Foxes' children ( no names given).
Wife Katherine to be Executrix.
Executors, - John Loftes, brother-in-law, and Thomas Turner.
Witnesses, - Thomas Neale, gent., John Loftes, Thomas Turner,
William Kely, clerk,
Proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 2 December