[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 2269R
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
John is identified in his father's will along with his seven brothers, one sister Alice and one sister (Agnes) "that my wife is great with."
His own will names his wife Katherine, his mother (not named), his brothers Henry, Richard and William (parson of Cranford); his sister Elizabeth; Alice, daughter of his sister Margery; Thomazine, daughter of Henry; Brother Loftes his two children, a brother in law; Clement Dillingham; Brother Foxes' children; his wife Katherine to be executrix and John Loftes and Thomas Turner executors. Proved in the prerogative court of Canterbury, 2 December 1588.
His brother Richard also left a will naming some of the same people. Clement (mentoned but not otherwise identified by John) is identified here as a son of his brother John, along with John and Walter. The will is dated 18 August 1597 and proved in Canterbury 24 September 1597.
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Title: Larry Lieneke, Dillingham 2000 Project,
Call Number:
Media: Book
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