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4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
BIOGRAPHY: 16. JOHANNIS ROSENKRANS 2nd, son of Alexander (2), was born in Rochester, Ulster County New York, July 6, 1724, and baptized July 6th following. At seven years of age he accompanied his parents to Walpack, Sussex County, New Jersey, then Morris County, when the country was mostly a wilderness and the forests frequently resounded with the cries of the panther and the wild whoop of the Indians. Along the banks of the Delaware he grew to manhood, and while deprived of the educational advantages of city or modern rural life, he became a man of moral worth and Public usefulness, an extensive farmer, an elder of the church and a Colonel in the Continental army. In 1745, Colonel John purchased of his father the homestead Shappanack farm, of about 500 acres, adjoining the farm of his brother Harmen, purchased 1742. Each of these farms, besides the uplands, contained about seventy acres of river flats of sandy loam, and very productive. The flats of the Shappanack farms today are the most noted in the count for productiveness and easy tillage, one of which is now leased by a syndicate raising special crops of tobacco and potatoes. The date and beginning of Colonel Johns deed from his father is as follows:
BIOGRAPHY: "This indenture made the 27th day of March, in the year of our Lord Christ one thousand seven hundred and forty-five, between Alexander Rosekrance, of Shappanack, in the township of Wallpeck, county of Morris and Province of West New Jersey, yeoman, and Marriky, his wife, of the one part, and Johannis Rosekrance, his youngest son, of the township, county and province aforesaid, yeoman, of the other part, WITNESSETH," etc. Having secured for himself a farm and a home, when his parents were old and feeble, or perhaps departed, Colonel John Rosenkrans contemplated marriage, but like Isaac and Jacob of old, he sought not for a wife in the place of his sojourn, but took one from the land of his fathers, the home of his kindred. On August 8th, 1751, Colonel John Rosenkrans, of Walpack. New Jersey, married Margaret DeWitt, of Rochester, Ulster County, New York, and over the "Old Mine Road," by way of Port Clinton, Port Jervis and Minisink, with perhaps as good a conveyance as the county afforded, he brought his bride from Rochester to Walpack.
BIOGRAPHY: Margaret DeWitt was born in Rochester April 18, 1731, and came of a good ancestry from Jacob DeWitt, of Holland, it is who succeeded Barneveldt as States Advocate. Her father was Tjerck DeWitt, the son of Jacob, son of Tjerck Classen DeWitt, from the Netherlands, who, April 24, 1756, married, in New Amsterdam, Barbary Andressen, from Amsterdam, Holland. Margaret DeWitt was related to Governor DeWitt Clinton. Her grandfather had a brother Andries, whose son, Egbert, married Mary Knottingham. Egberts son, Jacob Rutzen DeWitt married Jenneke (Jane) DePue, daughter of Moses DuPuy and Margaret Schoonmaker, his second wife. Jacob Rutzen DeWitt was a Captain during the Revolution and settled on the Neversink at the place afterward named Fort DeWitt, on account of a fort being built there during the Revolution. His sister Mary married General James Clinton, and her son DeWitt Clinton, afterward Governor of New York, was born March 2, 1769, in the stone residence of Captain DeWitt, at Fort DeWitt, now called Port Clinton "Church Life." Thus Colonel John Rosenkrans was connected with Governor DeWitt Clinton through his grandfather DuPuy and also through his wife, Margaret DeWitt.
BIOGRAPHY: Three years after his marriage, Colonel John Rosenkrans added to his 500 acres another tract of 705 acres, adjoining his property on the northeast. This was the Samuel Nevill tract, extending from the Delaware to across Flat Brook, and from the Shappanack tract to beyond the East and West New Jersey line, which is now the division line between the townships of Walpack and Sandyston. For this tract he paid Ð122, the deed for which is recorded at Newton (Book T.3, p. 89). By mistakes made in the Walpack map in "Everett & Pecks History" the "Joseph Kirkbride" tract of 500 acres is located at Shappanack where the Alexander Rosenkrans tracts of 900 acres is situated, and the "Ennis & County" tract is located, adjoining it where the Nevill tract lies. Among the family papers of Colonel John Rosenkrans in the possession of the writer, is a deed from several parties in Rochester to John Rosenkrans, of Walpack, for a three-fourths interest in land in Ulster County, the deed of which is dated October 22nd, 1766, in the "sixth year of the reign of King George the 3rd." This land is on the Rondout, adjoining lands of Jacob DeWitt and John DeWitt, and is signed by Petrus Thool and Antje, his wife, M. Fisher and Elizabeth, his wife; Jacob G. Louw and Catharie Louw, Teunis Oosterhout, Johanna Oosterhout and Jacob Oosterhout. On the red wax seals opposite these names may yet be seen standing out boldly the red lion of England, the symbol of progressiveness and power and with England the monarch of the sea.
BIOGRAPHY: The deed for twenty acres of meadow land from Harmen to Colonel John, spoken of concerning Harmen (12), begins thus: This indenture made the first day of July, 1729, in the ninth year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the 3rd, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith" etc. Besides these lands in Sussex County and Ulster, Colonel John Rosenkrans owned two tracts, or farms, amounting to 275 acres, in Northampton County, Pennsylvania, situated between Shappanack and Dingmans Choice, one of which tracts he received by "patent" and the other by purchase from the heirs of William Penn. He was one of the leading men of the Delaware Valley and of the County the earliest settlers of the County having located on the Delaware, among whom were some able men. Colonel Abraham VanCampen, Colonel John Cleves Symmes and Colonel John Rosenkrans were successively Colonels of the Delaware Valley. Abraham VanCampen was Colonel and engaged in checking the depredations of the Indians, 1755. John Cleves Symmes was Commissioned Colonel at the beginning of the Revolution, and Captain John Rosenkrans was appointed Colonel when Colonel Symmes resigned for the Judgeship, May 23, 1777. Colonel John in his time served as Freeholder, Justice of the Peace, Committeeman of Safety before the war; as Captain at its beginning, and as Colonel from 1777 to its close.
BIOGRAPHY: He was also an active Christian; an Elder of the Reformed Dutch Church, and gave the grounds for the burial place and the church erected on his farm. The church was built of logs, octagonal in form and erected about 1770. Among the early burials there was the wife of Colonel John Cleves Symmes; the mother-in-law of President William Henry Harrison, buried 1776. Her grave is on the brow of the hill near the road, and on her headstone still standing there is the following inscription: "In remembrance of Mrs. Anna Symmes, who, was born October, 1741; married to the Hon. Jno. C. Symmes, 30th October, 1760, and died 25th July, 1776, leaving two daughters, Maria and Anna." Anna married William Henry Harrison, in Ohio, and was buried at North Bend, Ohio. Her father was buried there also February, 1814. Brief records as soldiers are given of Colonel John Rosenkrans and his sons Jacob, Alexander and Benjamin, in Adjutant General W. S. Strikers reports of the New Jersey soldiers of the Revolution and of the war of 1812, Benjamin having been in the latter. In "Everett & Pecks History," p. 64 is found the following: "Colonel John Rosenkrans and Major Samuel Westbrook were also actively engaged during the war. Colonel Rosenkrans accompanied General Sullivan in his campaign against the Indians of the upper Susquehanna and Genesee valley in 1779. General Maxwell also commanded a brigade in the memorable campaign. One battalion of Colonel Rosenkrans regiment was led by Major Samuel Westbrook against a party of Indians, April 19, 1780. In this action Captain Peter Westbrook was killed."
BIOGRAPHY: Colonel John kept slaves on his farm, as did Isaac VanCampen on the adjoining property, and made a will, 1756, now in the writers possession, which never went to probate, containing the following items: He bequeathed to his "beloved wife Margaret" the choice of his "winches," and to his eldest son, John, as a "birthright gift," his "shooting-gun." In his last will, 1786, recorded at the close of this biography, Colonel John bequeathed to his eldest son John his "Negro boy Cuff." The VanCampens, Isaac and his son Abraham succeeded the Rosenkranses in the possession of the Shappanack farms, and they were succeeded by the DeWitts, who also kept slaves.
BIOGRAPHY: The following is copied from "Ever & Pecks History of Sussex," p. 321 concerning a slave on the Shappanack farm: "The DeWitts had many slaves and among them was an interesting old servant called Caesar Caesar Soults was his name. New Jersey abolished slavery (by an act passed) April 18, 1846. By the census of 1830 there was but one slave in Sussex county; this was Caesar Soults. He had refused to accept his freedom, clinging to his old home, and associations, and choosing to remain for the rest of his life upon the farm. The DeWitts had been kind to their slaves. Some two or three years before the death of Caesar, Peter DeWitt, now of Somerville, New Jersey, kindly provided for the faithful old servant by hiring his board in a respectable colored family of the neighborhood, that of Absolam Raymer, where he spent the remainder of his days, being frequently visited and kindly cared for by Peter DeWitt. He died March 11, 1860. As with colored people generally, his age was not certainly known. Mr. Dewitt says, I was never able to learn the correct date of his birth. My grandfather used to say that when he was a young married man and just beginning to farm, Caesar was a boy old enough to plow, and from that circumstance I judge he was in the neighborhood of one hundred years old when he died. "
BIOGRAPHY: The writer knew all of the above parties, except the "grandfather," and was thirty years of age when Caesar died the last slave of Sussex county, and perhaps of the State. Colonel John made his last will May 1st, 1786, and died June 15th following. Of Margarets death we have no record, though she was living at the time his will was made. No lettered monument points out the place of their burial, but it is probably near that of Mrs. Anna Symmes, on the hill top of the Shappanack burial ground. Colonel John Rosenkrans had fourteen children: John, Jacob, Orianna, Orianna 2nd, Alexander, Catharine, Charick DeWitt, Elijah, Levi, Joseph, Benjamin, Simeon, Simeon 2nd and Polly.
BIOGRAPHY: Will of Colonel John Rosenkrans
from a certified copy made at Trenton by Secretary of State
Henry C. Kelsey, 1893.
BIOGRAPHY: In the name of God Amen. I, John Rosekrans of Walpack Township Sussex County and State of New Jersey Yeo: being weak in Body but of sound Memory and understanding blessed be God, do therefore make and ordain this my last will and Testament and principally and first of all I Commit my Body to the Earth from whence it Came, to be Buried after a Christian like and Decent manner at the discretion of my Executors herein after mentioned, and my Soul to God who gave it, nothing doubting but at the General Resurrection and day of Judgment I shall again receive the same by the mighty power of Jesus Christ my most Merciful and Blessed Saviour and Redeemer who I trust will graciously pardon my sins and receive my never dying Soul in Mercy, Amen.
BIOGRAPHY: And as touching my worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this present life I Give devise and dispose of the same in manner & form following viz. first it is my will and I do order that all my Just Debts and funeral Charges be fully paid and Satisfied by my Executors Imprs. I Give and Bequeath unto my Dearly beloved wife Margaret Rosekrans the Command and disposal of all my Estate Real and Personal until my Youngest son Simeon Rosekrans is arrived at the age of Twenty one Years Together with her Choice and Election of the best Room in Any of my Dwelling houses either in Jersey or Pennsylvania, her Choice of all the Beds and Bedding, belonging to me, her Choice of the Household furniture as much as she shall think Necessary with Comfort and Sustenance of Life. Two Good Milks Cows well kept for her proper use and Benefit summer and Winter, and after her Resigning her power & authority herein mentioned and Granted, when my said youngest son Simeon is of full Age Then it is my will and positive order that my Executors hereinafter named shall pay or Cause to be paid to her yearly and every Year during her natural Life the sum of Thirty pounds procm. money as her Dowry and at her own disposal to whom she will at her Death.
BIOGRAPHY: Item unto my first born son John Rosekrans I Give devise and Bequeath unto him my Negroe boy named Cuff as his Birthright over and Above his Equal share with the rest of my sons. Item. unto my Eldest Daughter Ariantie the wife of Abraham VanCampen I Give devise and Bequeath unto her and the heirs of her Body Lawfully begotten the Just and full sum of one hundred and fifty pounds procm. money to be paid to her in three Years after my said Youngest son Simeon is Twenty one Years of Age in three sundry payments, that is to say fifty pounds Yearly until paid. Item. I Give devise and Bequeath unto my Second daughter now Cathrine Woodard the Just and full sum of one Hundred and fifty pounds procm. money to be paid to her or the Lawful heirs of her Body in manner as above said to her Sister Ariantie together with as Good an offset as her Sister Ariantie had at her marriage. Item. unto my Youngest Daughter Maria Rosekrans I Give devise and Bequeath unto her and her heirs the Sum of One Hundred and fifty pounds procm. money to be paid to her as soon as my said Youngest son Simeon is Arrived at full Age; Together with a Marriage offset Equal to my Daughter Ariantie.
BIOGRAPHY: It is also my will and I do order that if it should please the Lord to Remove any of these my three Daughters by Death that the portion or share of the Decd. be Equally Divided among those of my Daughters who shall survive and the Remainder of my Estate (Moveables only Excepted) I Give Devise and Bequeath unto my sons and to their Heirs forever in fee Simple to be Equally divided amongst them share and share alike from the Eldest to the Youngest without Exception or partiality of any kind viz. John Rosekrans, Jacob Rosekrans, Alexander Rosekrans, Cherrick Rosekrans, Elijah Rosekrans, Levi Rosekrans, Joseph Rosekrans, Benjamin Rosekrans & Simeon Rosekrans.
BIOGRAPHY: And if it should please the Lord to Remove one or more of these my sons by death, then it is my will and positive orders that his or their portion or share so Dying without Issue be Equally divided Amongst the rest of my sons who shall survive them. And as soon as any of my sons who are yet single if they or Any of them should Change their present State of Life by a Decent Lawful Marriage, It is my will and positive orders that he or they so Marrying be fitted out with Necessary farmers Utensils such as plough Harrow &c. Equal with my sons who are Married and for my Moveable Estate living and Dead, within Doors and without, it is also my will and positive orders that the same shall be Equally Divided amongst all my Children sons and Daughters share and share alike Immediately after my son Simeon is Arrived at full age of Twenty one Years. It is Likewise my will and positive orders that my eldest son John Rosekrans now living on the Flatbrook shall live and Remain in peaceable and Quiet possession of the Land and premises he now lives on until my son Simeon afsd. is of full age, he paying Yearly & every Year the sum of Ten pounds procm. money to be laid up in store in the Hands of my beloved wife Margaret and she and my sons on Shaponack to lay up fifteen Yearly as aforesaid. It is also my Will & positive orders that my sons Jacob and Alexander Rosekrans now, living in the State of Pennsylvania do live and Remain in the peaceable and Quiet possession of all and singular my Lands and premises now Occupied by them they and each of them paying Yearly and every Year the Just and full sum of Eight pounds procm. Money into the Hands of their mother until my son Simeon is of the full age of Twenty one Years, at which time it is my will and positive orders that the Remainder of my Estate both Real and Personal in the State of New Jersey and Pennsylvania be Equally divided amongst my sons as aforesaid, share and share alike to them and their Heirs forever in fee simple.
BIOGRAPHY: And in this my last will and Testament I do hereby nominate Constitute and Appoint my well beloved sons, John Rosekrans, Jacob Rosekrans, Alexander Rosekrans, Cherrick Rosekrans and Elijah Rosekrans my Executors. Giving and Granting to them my sole power and Authority in all and every thing Relating to or belonging to my Estate, willing and ordering that all and every thing Contained mentioned or meant herein According to the true Intent Meaning & purport, of the same, publishing pronouncing and declaring this and no other to be my last will and Testament under my hand and seal this first day of May A.D. 1786.