2 SOUR S332582 3 DATA 4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
?? Line 6833: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 FCOM ?? Line 6834: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 FCOM 2 DATE 1613 ?? Line 6835: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 FCOM 2 PLAC Holland to New Amsterdam on the TIGER ?? Line 6836: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 FCOM 2 SOUR First American Mrs. Rosecrans by David V. Bennett ?? Line 6840: (New PAF RIN=855) 0 @@NI0855@@ NOTE ?? Line 6841: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 CONC Immigrated in 1613 in the TIGER, a Dutch trading ship. It caught fire ?? Line 6842: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 CONC off the Manhatten Island & the passengers spent the winter camped in huts ?? Line 6843: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 CONC on what is now Broadway! A relic of this ship was discovered at a depth ?? Line 6844: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 CONC of 30 ft when excavating for the subway in 1916. It is now on the Museum ?? Line 6845: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 CONC of the City of New York. Guillaume built his cabin on the East River ?? Line 6846: (New PAF RIN=855) 1 CONC strand at the spot where Wall St. now stands intersecting Pearl St.