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Male Wolfric of Mercia Click to view Wolfric of Mercia in the family tree

Wolfric of was born about 1009.1   Wolfric of's father was of Mercia Godwin.  His paternal grandparents were Earl Of Mercia Leofwine and Countess of Mercia Alwara. He had three brothers named Godric of, Bishop of Durham and Bishop of Durham.  He was the oldest of the four children.  Wolfric of is no longer alive.

Wolfric of's family with daughter of Arques

They had four sons named the King's Thane de Tettesworth, Waltheus of, Ranulphus and Ormus.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
History of the Commoners of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. IV @ p. 757, Stansfeld, of Burley Park, daveanthes.FTW

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