- b.~ 1261 in Of, Bracewell, Yorkshire, England

- b.~ 1280 in Upholland, L., England d.07 Oct 1328 in Boneham Wood, England

- b.1256 in ,Salmesbury, Lancashire, England

- b.1314 in Of, Broughton, Buckinghamshire, England d.26 Dec 1360 in ,,Normandy, France

- b.09 Oct 1267 in , Ashby Magna, Leicester, England d.25 Mar 1314 in , Brackley, Northampton, England

- b.1289 in Ashley, Leicshire, England d.31 May 1349 in Brackley, Northants, England

- b.~ 1270 in Seagrave, Leicester, England d.1314

- b.1354 in ,Upholand, Lancashire, England d.25 Apr 1397 in Of, Woodstock, Kent, England

- b.18 Jun 1239 in Westminister, England d.08 Jul 1307 in Near Carlisle, England

- b.05 Aug 1301 in ,Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England d.19 MAR 1329/30 in Executed, Winchester, Hampshire, England

- b.1275 in Of, Paris, Isle De France, France d.14 FEB 1316/17 in Marlborough Castle, Marlborough, England

- b.29 Sep 1328 in Of, Woodstock, Kent, England d.08 Aug 1385 in Wallingford Castle, Wallingford, Berkshire, England

- b.~ 1268 in ,Blisworth, Northampshire, England

- b.~ 1295 in Liddel, Cumberland, England d.29 Sep 1349 in Of Liddel, Cumberland, England

- b.~ 1273 in ,Blisworth, Northampshire, England d.1309

- b.6 JAN 1382/83 in Brockenhurst, Hants, ENG d.15 Sep 1408 in Isle of Brat, Brittany

- b.3 FEB 1266/67 in ,Arundel, Sussex, England d.9 MAR 1301/02

- b.01 May 1285 in Castle, Marlborough, Sussex, England d.17 Nov 1326 in beheaded, Herefordshire, England

- b.~ 1271 in Saluzzo, Piedmont, Italy d.25 Sep 1292

- b.~ 1313 in Arundel, Sussex, England d.24 JAN 1377/78 in Arundell Castle, Sussex

- b.12 JAN 1253/54 in Of, Warren, Sussex, England d.12 Dec 1285 in killed in a tournament at Croydon

- b.~ 1277 in of Warren and Surrey, Sussex, England d.<23 May 1338

- b.1261 in Hedingham Castle, Essex, England d.23 Nov 1293

- b.16 JAN 1244/45 in London, England d.05 Jun 1296 in Bayonne, France

- b.1281 in Lancaster, England d.22 Sep 1345 in Monostary of Canons in England

- b.1248 in Of, Arras, France d.02 May 1302 in ,Paris, France

- b.~ 1311 in Grismond Castle, Monmouth, Monmouthshire, England d.11 JAN 1371/72 in Arundel, England

- b.~ 1240 in of, Kidwelly, Carmarthen, Wales d.<07 Jul 1283

- b.~ 1282 in Kidwelly, Carmarthen, Wales d.<03 Dec 1322 in England

- b.~ 1236 in Warwick, England d.~30 May 1306 in Elmley Castle, Worcester, England
- b.~ 1402 in Kenilworth, Warwick, ENG

- b.18 Jun 1239 in Westminister, England d.08 Jul 1307 in Near Carlisle, England

- b.25 Apr 1284 in Caernarvon Castle, Caernarvon, Caernarvonshire, Wales d.21 Sep 1327 in Berkeley Castle, Berkeley, Gloucestershire, England

- b.1244 in Of, Burgos, Burgos, Spain d.29 Nov 1290 in ,Herdeby, Lincolnshire, England

- b.13 Nov 1312 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England d.21 Jun 1377 in Shene Palace, Surrey, England

- b.1268 in ,Fontainebleau, Isle De France d.29 Nov 1314 in ,Fontainebleau, Isle De France

- b.1292 in Of, Paris, France d.21 Nov 1358 in Hertford Castle, Hertfordshire, England

- b.JAN 1271/72 in ,Bar Sur Seine, France d.02 Apr 1305 in Chcateau De Vincennes, Vincennes, France

- b.05 Jun 1341 in King's Langley d.01 Aug 1402 in King's Langley, Herts, England

- b.~ 1247 in Valenciennes, Nord, France d.22 Aug 1304 in Valenciennes, Nord, France

- b.~ 1280 in Hainault, France d.07 Jun 1337 in ,Valenciennes, Nord, France

- b.~ 1252 in Luxembourg d.06 Apr 1311 in Valenciennes, Nord, France

- b.24 Jun 1311 in Valenciennes d.14 Aug 1369 in Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, England

- b.12 MAR 1269/70 in ,Vincennes, Isle De France, France d.16 Dec 1325 in ,Nogent Le Roi, France

- b.~ 1294 in Valois, France d.7 MAR 1341/42 in ,Fontenelle, Yonne, France

- b.~ 1274 in Naples, Napoli, Sicily d.31 Dec 1299 in Hôtel de Nesles, Paris, France

- b.~ 1374 in Conisborough, York, ENG d.28 Nov 1416

- b.1285 in Castile - son of Sancho IV d.1312 in Castile - reign 1295-1312

- b.1310 in Castile, Spain - son of Ferdinand IV d.1350 in Castile

- b.~ 1285 in Portugal - dtr of Diniz d. in Castile - wife of Ferdinand IV

- b.1334 in Castile (aka Peter the Cruel) d.1369 in Toledo, killed by Henry Trastamara his 1/2 bro

- b.1290 in Portugal - aka Affonso o Bravo d.1357 in Portugal -King of Portugal from 1325

- b.~ 1310 in Portugal - dtr of Afonso IV

- b.< 1295 in Castile - dtr of Sancho IV d. in Portugal - wife of Afonso IV

- b.1355 in Morales, Castile d.23 Nov 1393 in Langley, Herts, Eland

- b.1279 in Clermont, France d.29 JAN 1341/42

- b.~ 1320 in France - son of Duke Louis I of Bourbon d.1356 in France -

- b.~ 1280 in Of, Valenciennes, Nord, France d.28 Aug 1354 in Murat Castle, Bourbonnois, France

- b.1339 in of Chateau De Bois De Vincennes, Vincennes, Seine, France d.1361 in Castile

- b.12 MAR 1269/70 in ,Vincennes, Isle De France, France d.16 Dec 1325 in ,Nogent Le Roi, France

- b.1313 in Of, Fontainebleau, Seine-Et-Marne, France d.26 Jul 1383

- b.BET 1292 AND 1293 in Of, Chatillon, Seine, France d.03 Oct 1358