[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
ID: I725
Name: Pleasant George HARE
Sex: M
Birth: 10 MAR 1824 in Ross Co OH
Death: 7 JAN 1899 in Trading Post KS
Burial: Rt 2 Pleasanton KS,cow pasture
Occupation: Farmer
Re: Jacob Hare of PA & Ross Co., OH
Posted by: Rejeana in Genealogy.com forum. Date: April 17, 2001 at 19:33:03
In Reply to: Re: Jacob Hare of PA & Ross Co., OH by George Cole
Pleasant G. Hare (b. Ross County, Ohio, m. Susannah Moomaw 02 Jul 1849) was my great-great grandfather through his daughter Frances Saloma (Hare) Zinn. The only place where I’ve seen the middle name as George is in Robert Moomaw’s book. All other sources, mainly family members, show his middle name as Gipson.
His tombstone in Hays Cemetery, according to 100 Cemeteries and Burial Sites in Linn County, Kansas (copyright 1987 ISBN #0-941195-06-6), reads "Died Jan 7, 1899, aged 73 yrs, 9 ms, 27 d." A remembrance card of his death reads "Died Jan 7, 1899, aged 74 years, 9 months, 28 days"
The 1850 Ross County, Paint Township, Ohio Federal Census, taken on October 5, 1850 lists Plesant [sic] G. Hair [sic], age 27, farmer, born Ohio.
My records show Pleasant G. Hare and Susannah (Moomaw) Hare had 10 children:
Euphrates Alden Hare (Frates)
Mary Helena (Hare) Cole
Rose Ann Hare
Frances Saloma (Hare) Zinn
Durrilda M. (Hare) Reece
Uriah Marion Hare
Fletcher David/David Fletcher Hare
George Bromwell McClellan Hare
Albert Perry Hare
James Boston Hare
From a tape by George B. Cole, Sr. in 1961 - transcribed by Melba Smith Cole
Pleasant G. Hare married Susannah Moomaw in Illinois. They lived there on a farm and when the Civil War broke out, my grandfather thought that he ought to take part in it. So he took his family to Kansas. There he homesteaded a farm, built a house, did not have enough money to fence the place but had it staked out. Then he went back to Illinois and joined the regiment (I do not remember the exact group, but that information is in the possession of Claude Simpson of Pullman). He had several children at this time; my mother, Mary Helena Hare, was at that time about 12 years old. She had an older brother, Freight; a couple of brothers younger than she, and a sister.
In [1899?] my Grandfather Hare got hurt by a team running away. It knocked him down and his head was hit against the jam of a log. It broke his skull and washed part of his brains out, and he was never quite rational after that. Well, they couldn't get anyone to look after him, so they told my mother that if she'd come and look after her father as long as he lived, they would give her the farm. And so our family, the Coles, moved from the Indian Territory up to the place where we lived on the Stainbrook place, right on the Missouri-Kansas line.
In [1901?] my grandfather Hare passed away. So then, after he had passed, some of the brothers and sisters who asked my mother to come and take care of him - promising her the farm for taking care of her father - said they didn't agree to that at all, now that he was gone and she had only been there for two years. They said they'd expected he'd live longer than that, and the farm was worth more than that and each one would have his share of it. So there wasn't anything to do but sell the farm and divide it among the various heirs.
From research done by Noman Cole, compiled in 1981
Pleasant G. Hare was discharged from Company I, 185 Regiment of Ohio Infantry, at Lexington, Kentucky, 26 September, 1865.
Shortly after Susannah's death, Pleasant G. Hare was injured. Mary Cole's brothers and sisters agreed to award her their shares of their father's estate if she would take care of him. This she did. (Warranty Deed, dated 7 February, 1902. Recorded in Deed Book 59, page 413, Court House, Mound City, Linn County, Kansas.)
Source is enlistment papers in possession of Claude Simpson and shared with Melba A. Cole
He enlisted in the Union Army during the Civil War on February 7, 1865 at South Salem. His enlistment was credited to Paint Township, Ross County, Ohio. He was a Private in Company I, 185th Regiment, Ohio volunteer Infantry. His enlistment papers say he had dark eyes, dark hair, and a dark complexion and was 5 feet 7 1/2 inches tall. He was granted a pension in 1890 for 'Nearly total deafness of left ear and a slight deafness in the right ear, chronic diarrhea, piles, and old age.'
Change Date: 9 NOV 2002 at 15:23:52
Father: Jacob HARE b: in Virginia
Mother: unknown b: in Kentucky
Marriage 1 Susanah MOOMAW b: 18 JAN 1830 in <Ross Co.,OH>
Married: 2 JUL 1850 in Chillicothe OH
Euphrates Alden HARE b: 22 MAR 1851 in Ross Co.,OH
Mary Helena HARE b: 6 FEB 1854 in Ross Co.,OH
Rose Ann HARE b: 23 NOV 1855 in <Ross Co.,OH>
Frances Saloma HARE b: 7 JUN 1857 in Ross Co.,OH
Durrilda M. HARE b: 24 DEC 1859 in Ross Co.,OH
Uriah Marion HARE b: 31 JAN 1861 in <Ross Co.,OH>
Fletcher David HARE b: 1 FEB 1863 in <Ross Co.,OH>
George Bronlow HARE b: 19 JUN 1865 in Ross Co.,OH
Albert Pary HARE b: 24 OCT 1869 in <Ross Co.,OH>
James Boston HARE b: 20 SEP 1871 in <Ross Co.,OH>