[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Text from photostat in possession of Claude Simpson, copied by Melba Alice Smith Cole in 1961
"Uncle Milt hare, brother to Pleasant hare was the liar and unmarried member of the family. He lived with his relations until his welcome was worn out, then moved on. He was known for his ability to split wood. Drafted in the Civil War, deserted when the draft was extended. Tells the story of pouring his gold on the desert, choosing between his food and gold. Had the reputation of being the strongest man in Kansas. Could lift the front end of a threshing machine.
Milt Hare was with James brothers and Younger brothers when they robbed the Bank of Kansas City, Missouri. When they were taking him to jail with one arm tied, he threw one guard over the bannister and knocked the other guard down, took his gun and escaped. Filed and had in his possession papers signifying mining claims in Nevada. Always wore a handlebar moustache six inches long on each side. Wore heavy wool clothes the year around. As far as anyone knows he died in San Francisco. Was 84 years old when he took off the last time, walking down the hedge row with his suitcase in his hand, never looking back as he did about every 15 years.
He told the story of being hunted by Union Army guards and living in the swamps on the milk of a wild cow. Could take a sack of wheat on a scoop shovel and lift it by placing one hand on the grip and one just below the grip and raise it off the ground."
Rachael Sterling,
Jennie Marron, Hopkins, Michigan
J. Boston Hare, Deer Lodge, Montana
Personal recollection of George B. Cole III
I remember Grandpa Cole telling these same stories around the campfires at Whidbey Island during our visits in the 1950's.