[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
[Etienne De Coligny.FTW]
ID: I04393
Name: Charlemagne Emperor Of Holy Roman Empire 1 2 3 4 5
Sex: M
Birth: 2 APR 742 in Ingelheim, Rheinhessen, Hesse-Darmstadt 6 1 6 7
Birth: 2 APR 742 in Ingelheim, Rheinhessan, Hesse-Darmstadt 2 3 5
Death: 17 APR 818 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 6 1 6 7
Death: 28 JAN 813/14 in Aix-la-Chapelle, Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 2 3 5
Event: TITL Emperor Of The Holy Roman Empire 7
Burial: Aachen Cathedral, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 5
Event: Ruled 800-814 5
Reference Number: 5231
England is about to lose one of the last traces of the Emperor Charles the Great---Charlemagne---for it was he who established the system of reckoning in pounds, shillings and pence. He will also be remembered as the white-haired old king in the Song of Roland; but he was neither an economist nor the rather feckless character of the Song, being rather one of the ideal examples in European history of the man of action, a type that always spells danger.
He was born in 742 to Pepin the Short, who was Mayor of the Palace of Childeric III, the last of an ever degenerating line of Merovingian kings. In 751, with the support of the Pope, Pepin cut off Childeric's long hair, the mark of his kingship, and sent him to a monastery, arrogating to himself the royal power. He was an active ruler, imposing peace on his border-lands, and twice descending on Italy to protect the Pope from the Lombards, giving to him the duchy of Rome as his own state in the bargain.
In 768 Charlemagne and his brother Carloman succeeded to the joint rule of the Franks, but three years later Carloman died, and Charlemagne ruled supreme. He was as active as his father in defending and expanding his territories. In 773, when the Lombards were again putting pressure on the Pope, he crossed the Alps with astonishing speed and defeated the Lombards absolutely, putting their king in a monastery (now a family habit) and assuming the 'Iron' Crown of Lombardy himself.
He now began a systematic campaign to conquer the Saxons, and ten years of the most bitter fighting ensued. The Saxons discovered an able leader in Widukind, and in 782, managed to wipe out a substantial army of Franks. Charlemagne had 4,500 Saxons beheaded at Verden in retribution, and went on to celebrate 'The Nativity of Our Lord and Easter as he was wont to do,' says Einhard, his biographer. It took nearly three years to find Widukind, and he was then baptized---a clear declaration of submission; the rest of the Saxons gave little trouble in taking baptism, or obeying their new Frankish masters---they remembered Verden.
A feudal vassal of Charlemagne who should have learned a lesson from this was Duke Tassilo of Bavaria, but he preferred to behave as if he were independent of his overlord. Charlemagne gave him one chance to reform, but then found that he was plotting with his enemies, so in 788 he too was put into a monastery, and Bavaria was incorporated into the fast growing empire.
In Spain he was not so successful: he had been forced to call off his invasion in 778, for his troops were needed elsewhere, and anyway the Muslims turned out to be not as disunited as he had been told; it was in this retreat that Roland died. But in 793 the Muslims attacked over his borders, so he set up an enclave on the southern side of the Pyrenees to guard the area.
He now turned his attention to the Avars, relations of the Huns, who lived in the area of the middle Danube, and were phenomenally rich with tribute-money they had wrung from the Byzantine Emperors. Peaceful negotiations had failed to keep them from raiding Charlemagne's lands, and so he set out to conquer them. It was as hard a war as that against the Saxons, lasting from 791-9, and Charlemagne was wise to distribute the loot he gained from it to his war-weary people instead of keeping it for himself.
Since 476 there had been no Emperor in the West, and until recently the Popes had looked to the Byzantine Emperors for protection. In 800 the Pope was set upon and deposed, and Charlemagne had to go do to Rome to restore him. On Christmas Day of that year he was praying in St. Peter's when the Pope came up and crowned him as Emperor, taking him 'unawares.' Historians wrangle over the coronation of Charlemagne, and the results of their searches read like detective stories. Suffice it to say that Charlemagne must have known what was going to happen, but he was rather disturbed about the whole thing afterwards; possibly he was upset at not having the fiat of the Emperor of the East, though a woman was reigning there at the time, possibly he felt the Pope had arrogated to himself too great a part in the coronation. Certainly he kept a very healthy respect for the Byzantine Empire, though he was not a man to fear another's power: he had good relations with Haroun-al-Rashid, the Caliph of Baghdad, who sent him a white elephant, and arranged protection for pilgrims visiting Jerusalem, in the heart of Muslim territory. In a less exciting area he developed good relations also with the various Anglo-Saxons states in England; and the first commercial treaty of which we have a record in English history is a letter from Charlemagne to Offa of Mercia, then the central Anglo-Saxon state, requesting more short cloaks, but not as short as the last batch, for when one was forced by the call of nature to get off one's horse, the cloak turned out to be a very draughty affair.
Einhard's biography gives us a fine picture of Charlemagne in the prime of his life: a large pleasant looking man, with rather a weak voice, who loved all forms of exercise, but excelled in swimming. He wore the ordinary dress of his nation, objecting strongly to having to dress in Roman fashion on the two occasions Popes requested it to impress the citizens of Rome. He ate and drank moderately, but had a passion for roast meat. He loved to hear music and to listen to readings from St. Augustine's City of God; he also delighted in the old songs of his nation, which his priggish son had destroyed after his death, because they were pagan. He plainly respected learning, and loved to be surrounded by learned people, but he probably didn't get very far in his own learning; he used to keep a copy-book under his pillow (he suffered from insomnia) but he never really learned to write.
His palace at Aachen was the Versailles of the ninth century, beautiful and impressive, though it is a typically homely touch that he settled on this site because the swimming was good there, with natural hot springs to warm the water. The pictorial arts flourished under him, especially in the decoration of books, which themselves were written in the fine minuscule hand which was developed in his reign, and was to form the basis of the Renaissance italic hand. Schools were built up, modelled on the palace school, which was more of a university in that it served as a place for distinguished scholars to work, and a training ground for the sons of the nobility. Alcuin was called from England, and Peter of Pisa came, along with the best minds of the age. Monasteries built up huge libraries, and in their scriptoria multiple copies were made. By these means the riches of literature of the ancient world were preserved for the modern, and not even the destructive power of the Norsemen could entirely root out the achievement. Although the full effect of this educational revolution was not to be felt until after the death of Charlemagne, when the whole of Europe began to build great edifices of stone, and theologians and philosophers dared to reason, this was truly the Carolingian Renaissance, and owed a tremendous debt to the boundless vision and enthusiasm of Charlemagne himself.
In fact, the cultural influences of the Carolingian state were to outlast by far the state itself. Having conquered territories, Charlemagne tended to do little but install Frankish counts there, introduce his elementary form of feudalism, and then occasionally add to the legal system such laws as were necessary. He sent round groups of 'Missi Dominici' to check on the administration of the counts, and held formal assemblies each year, which provided an elementary check on what was happening all over the Empire; but it was only while his dominant personality and military might were at the head of the system that it could work---the whole Empire was ready to spring apart into fragments when this was removed. It lacked the economic organisation necessary for unity, retaining the spirit of self-sufficiency which was the hallmark of medieval regionalism.
On his death in 814, his son Louis the Pious succeeded, but on his death in 840 civil war broke out between Louis' sons, and in 843 at Verdun the Empire was divided between the three of them, one taking the western strip, one the eastern and the third taking a central strip right down from the Low Countries to half-way down Italy---Germany was to go a separate way from that of France, the Low Countries and Burgundy were to aim at separate development, and all were to have interest in what became of the Italian domains.
It is possible to place too much emphasis on the decisiveness of this treaty for the future history of Western Europe, but even so one should remember that the year before it was made when the two leaders of West and East met to make the preliminary arrangements, the one swore his oath in French and the other in German so that their followers could understand them.
The popular names for the rulers who followed in the wake of Charlemagne spell out for us the decline from greatness, Louis the Pious, Charles the Bald, Louis the Stammerer, Charles the Fat, Charles the Simple. Europe was to be divided, with disastrous results; but nonetheless people remembered the achievement of Charlemagne through the long terrible years of war and the terrible attacks from the Norsemen. They created the tradition of the Song of Roland, which was only outdone in popularity by the later re-workings of the predominantly national legends of the Germans and the Celtic lands. Perhaps it was not so bad that Arthur replaced Charlemagne in the end, for his like did not come to Europe again until the days of Napoleon. [Source: Who's Who in the Middle Ages, John Fines, Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 1995][jweber2.FTW]
Charlemagne, or Charles the Great, CAROLINGIAN king of the FRANKS, came to rule over most of Europe and assumed (800) the title of Roman emperor. He is sometimes regarded as the founder of the HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE. In 768 he and his brother Carloman inherited the Frankish kingdom (most of present-day France and a part of western Germany) from their father PEPIN THE SHORT. The entire kingdom passed to Charlemagne when Carloman died in 771. He inherited great wealth and a strong military organization from his father and brother. He used these assets to double the territory under Carolingian control. In 772 he opened his offensive against the SAXONS, and for more than three decades he pursued a ruthless policy aimed at subjugating them and converting them to Christianity. Almost every year Charlemagne attacked one or another region of Saxon territory. --4,500 Saxons were executed on a single day in 782--and deportations were used to discourage the stubborn. The Saxons proved to be a far more difficult enemy than any of the other peoples subjugated by Charlemagne. For example, the LOMBARDS were conquered in a single extended campaign 773-74), after which Charlemagne assumed the title "king of the Lombards." In 788 he absorbed the duchy of Bavaria, and soon thereafter he launched an offensive against the AVAR empire. The Avars succumbed within a decade, yielding Charlemagne a vast hoard of gold and silver. After one disastrous campaign (778) against the Muslims in Spain, Charlemagne left the southwestern front to his son Louis, (later Emperor LOUIS I) who, with the help of local Christian rulers, conquered Barcelona in 801 and controlled much of Catalonia by 814. On Christmas Day, 800, Charlemagne accepted the title of emperor and was crowned by Pope LEO III. For several years after he regarded the imperial title of being of little value. Moreover, he intended to divide his lands and titles among his sons, as was the Frankish custom. At his death on Jan. 28, 814, however, only one son, Louis, survived; Louis therefore assumed control of the entire Frankish empire.
Father: Pepin III "The Short" King Of France b: ABT 714 in Austrasia, France
Mother: Bertrada II Of Laon b: ABT 725 in Laon, Aisne, France
Marriage 1 Gersvind Wife Of Charlemagne
Marriage Beginning Status: Other
Marriage 2 Adalind Concubine Of Charlemagne
Marriage Beginning Status: Other
Marriage 3 Regina (Reginopycrha) Wife Of Charlemagne b: ABT 780 in Aachen, R, Prussia
Married: in unknown 1 7
Drogo De Metz b: ABT 792 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Hugo "The Bastard" l' Abbe b: ABT 794 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Adelinda Daughter Of Charlemagne b: ABT 796 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Marriage 4 Madelgard Wife Of Charlemagne
Marriage Beginning Status: Other
Marriage 5 Reginopycrha (Regine) Concubine b: ABT 770 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Marriage 6 Himiltude Wife Of Charlemagne b: ABT 746 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Married: in No Marriage 5
Married: ABT 768 7
Aupais of France b: ABT 765 in France
Marriage 7 Desiderius Wife Of Charlemagne
Married: 770 7
Marriage 8 Hildegard (Of Vizgau) Of Germany b: ABT 758 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Married: 772 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 7
Married: ABT 771 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia 3 5
Theodrade Of Holy Roman Empire
Charles "The Younger" King Of Neustria b: ABT 772 in Aachen, Germany
Charles King Of Germany b: ABT 772
Adelheide Of Holy Roman Empire b: ABT 773 in Pavie, Lombardy, Italy
Rotrud Of Holy Roman Empire b: AUG 774 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Bertha Of France b: ABT 776 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Lothaire Of Holy Roman Empire b: AUG 778 in Casseneuil, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Louis I "The Fair" King De Aquitaine b: AUG 778 in Casseneuil, Lot-et-Garonne, France
Gisele Of Holy Roman Empire b: ABT 781 in Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Hildegarde Of Holy Roman Empire b: ABT 801 in France
Pepin I Carloman King Of Italy b: 12 APR 781 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Rotrude Carolingian b: ABT 775 in Aachen, Rhineland, Prussia
Louis I "The Pious" Holy Roman Emperor b: AUG 778 in Chasseneuil, Lot-et-Garonne near Poitiers, Aquitaine, France
Pepin Carloman , King of Italy b: BEF 12 APR 781 in Rome Italy
Aupais of France b: ABT 765 in France
Marriage 9 Fastrada Wife Of Charlemagne
Married: 783 in Worms, Germany 7
Marriage 10 Luitgard Wife Of Charlemagne
Married: 794 7
Title: World Family Tree Vol. 7, Ed. 1
Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
Publication: Release date: October 17, 1996
Note: Customer pedigree.
Call Number:
Media: Family Archive CD
Page: Tree #4588
Text: Date of Import: Mar 24, 1998
Title: Encyclopedia Britannica, Treatise on
Page: Charlemagne
Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Page: 50-13
Title: The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968
Page: 13, 171
Title: jweber2.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Jul 17, 2003
Title: woodward.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Nov 7, 2000