[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
[Etienne De Coligny.FTW]
[Charles II Emperor Of Holy Roman Empire.ged]
Pepin II, byname Pepin Of Herstal, died Dec. 16, 714, Jupille, near Liège [now in Belgium]), ruler of the Franks (687-714), the first of the great Carolingian mayors of the palace. The son of Begga and Ansegisel, who were, respectively, the daughter of Pepin I and the son of Bishop Arnulf of Metz, Pepin established himself as mayor of the palace in Austrasia after the death of Dagobert II in 679 and defended its autonomy against Theodoric III of Neustria and Ebroïn, Theodoric's mayor of the palace. Defeated by Ebroïn in 680 at Lucofao (near Laon), Pepin gained his revenge on the Neustrians in 687 at Tertry (near Péronne) and became sole effective ruler of the Franks. He nevertheless retained Theodoric III on the throne and after his death replaced him with three successive Merovingian kings. After several years of warfare Pepin defeated the Frisians on his northeastern border (689) and married his son Grimoald to Theodelind, daughter of the Frisian chief Radbod. He also forced the Alemanni to recognize Frankish authority again and encouraged Christian missionaries in Alemannia and Bavaria. Aupais was his concubine and the mother of Charles Martel. [Encyclopaedia Britannica CD, 1996, Pepin II].
The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles] , known as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King's entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given financial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most singular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. Originally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate levels of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exile in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By the end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry III of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three leagues from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie and in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pepin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as that of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert them to Christianity] , the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 690] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688] , circa 700, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud.
Pepin of Heristal, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia, d. 714; by concubine, Aupais, he was father of Charles Martel. [Ancestral Roots]
Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.
Pepin II d'Heristal (Andre Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL research. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 191.)
(Paul Auge, Nouveau Larousse Universel (13 a 21 Rue Montparnasse et Boulevard Raspail 114: Librairie Larousse, 1948).)
(Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 129, Line 171-44.)
(Alain Decaux Andre Castelot, Marcel Jullian et J. Levron, Histoire de La France et des Francais au Jour le Jour (Librairie Academique Perrin, 1976), Tome 1, Page 369).
Born: circa 635 in Liege, Luik, Liege, Belgium, son of Ansegis=Ansegisus, Duke d'Austrasie and Sainte Begge=Begga de Landen . Note - between 679 and 714: The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles] , known as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King's entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given financial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most singular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. Originally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate levels of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exile in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By the end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry III of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three leagues from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie and in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pepin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as that of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert them to Christianity] , the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 690] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688] , circa 700, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud. Married before 685: Plectrud d'Echternach, daughter of Hugobert=Humbert d'Echternach and Irmina. Married before 686: Aupais=Alpaide. Historians recognize Alpais as Pepin II's one concubine, which seems rather modest for a personage of his status at that time. Died: on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile-sur-Meuse, Belgium.
Pepin of Heristal, Mayor of the Palace in Austrasia, d. 714; by concubine, Aupais, he was father of Charles Martel. [Ancestral Roots]
Carolingian mayor of the palace, who reunited the Frankish realms in the late Merovingian period. A grandson of Pepin the Elder, he succeeded to his position in the kingdom of Austrasia around 680. In 687 he extended Carolingian rule to the other Frankish kingdoms, Neustria and Burgundy, but retained members of the Merovingian dynasty as figurehead monarchs in all three. Two years later he extended his control over the Frisians, a pagan people living on the North Sea coast. Pepin's death was followed by a civil war and the succession of his illegitimate son Charles Martel.
Pepin II d'Heristal (Andre Roux: Scrolls from his personal genealogicaL research. The Number refers to the family branch numbers on his many scrolls, 191.)
(Paul Auge, Nouveau Larousse Universel (13 a 21 Rue Montparnasse et Boulevard Raspail 114: Librairie Larousse, 1948).)
(Roderick W. Stuart, Royalty for Commoners in ISBN: 0-8063-1344-7 (1001 North Calvert Street, Baltimore, MD 21202, USA: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., 1992), Page 129, Line 171-44.)
(Alain Decaux Andre Castelot, Marcel Jullian et J. Levron, Histoire de La France et des Francais au Jour le Jour (Librairie Academique Perrin, 1976), Tome 1, Page 369).
Born: circa 635 in Liege, Luik, Liege, Belgium, son of Ansegis=Ansegisus, Duke d'Austrasie and Sainte Begge=Begga de Landen . Note - between 679 and 714: The services of the Palace were ensured by the Greats [nobles] , known as "Optimates", frequently brought up at a very young age within the King's entourage. Because the Canerarii's task was to watch over the King's chamber and the precious treasure kept in it, it was logical that he should be given financial attributes. Since the eldest officer was the seneschal [senescallus] he was given the task of overseeing the army. The Comes Stabuli' job was to watch over the King's stables. There were others based on various tasks. The most singular office was that of Major Domus, frequently called Mayor of the Palace. Originally, this was only an attendant whose job was to maintain appropriate levels of stocks and supplies, and to coordinate the activities of other personnel in the King's palace. In early 679, Dagobert II, who had returned form an exile in Ireland, attempted to govern Austrasia with the help of his Mayor of the Palace, Goufaud. The Greats prefer Pepin II, grand-son of Pepin de Landen. By the end of 679, Dagobert II is killed in a hunting "accident". Pepin II was the Mayor-of-the-Palace of Austrasie from 679 to 714. In 680, Ebroin and Thierry III of Neustria fight and force Pepin II to flee at Leucofao, near Bois-du-Fay in the Ardennes. When Pepin II recognizes Thierry III as the only King of Gaule, the war between the two is suspended for about 3 years. At Tertry three leagues from Saint-Quentin, Pepin II fought and beat Thierri III, King of Neustrie and in 687 took that kingdom. It is at that time that he begins to be known as Pepin de Herstal or d'Heristal. It is also clear that by that time, the office of Major Domus had become essentially hereditary and that it grew in power as that of the King's declined. Pepin II directed a number of expeditions against the Frisons [defeating Duke Radbod in 689 and sending them Willibrod to convert them to Christianity] , the Alamanians [whom he defeats near Lake Constance in 690] and the Bavarois [who submitted to Pepin II in 691] . When Norbert, Mayor of Neustria and of Burgundy died [whom Pepin II had designated in 688] , circa 700, Pepin installed his own son, Grimoald=Grimaud. Married before 685: Plectrud d'Echternach, daughter of Hugobert=Humbert d'Echternach and Irmina. Married before 686: Aupais=Alpaide. Historians recognize Alpais as Pepin II's one concubine, which seems rather modest for a personage of his status at that time. Died: on 16 Dec 714 in Jupile-sur-Meuse, Belgium.