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Female Katherine de Dutton Click to view Katherine de Dutton in the family tree

Katherine de was born in 1269 in Dutton, Great Budworth, Cheshire, England.1   Katherine de's father was Thomas Dutton and her mother was Philippa de Sandon.  Her paternal grandparents were Hugh Dutton and Muriel Despencer; her maternal grandparents were Vivian Sandon and Mrs. Vivian Sandon. She had three brothers and a sister, named Hugh I, Thomas, Robert and Margaret.  She was the youngest of the five children. She had two half-sisters named Margaret and Katherine.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
"FamilySearch Ancestral File v4.19", "Pedigree Resource File - CD-Rom" @ Compact Disc #20     Pin #563255, "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson", daveanthes.FTW

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