[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 80
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
ID: I19750
Name: Thomas BROWNELL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8
Sex: M
Birth: 5 JUN 1608 in Rawmarsh County, York, England 7 8
Death: 24 SEP 1664 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island 7 8 of Killed in horse riding accident 8
Change Date: 15 JAN 2004 8
Written by Patricia Joan Ayres Brownell. February 13, 1999. I researched this information from "A History of the Brownell Family", " The Brownell Chronicle", "Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Thomas Brownell" and "Brownell Genealogy".
Thomas and his brother George moved to London and became drapers (fabric merchants).
After Thomas married Anne Bourne they resided in the parish of St. Mary Cole in London until they emigrated to the New World Colonies in 1638. Thomas and Anne arrived in Boston in 1638 on the ship Whale. They arrived at Braintree, MA, and then went on to settle at Pourtsmouth, Rhode Island.
In the Public Library at Winterset, Iowa they have a complete set of books that list the immigrants that came over to the New World. The code for source book 275 page 109, lists Ann and Thomas Brownell, no age given, Place of Arrival - Massachusets, Yr of Arrival 1620-1650.
In Portsmouth, Thomas was appointed Water Bailey ( An official having certain jurisdiction over fisheries and other maritime matters) on May 20, 1647, was made a Freeman (an honour bestowed on a person. Only a church member was so honoured. Only a freeman was allowed to participate in the local government) in 1655, appointed a commissioner (the officer in charge of a department or bureau of the public service) in1655, 61,62 and 63, and appointed Deputy (a member of the common council who acts as an alderman's deputy) in 1664.
On the afternoon of September 24, 1664, Thomas Brownell was killed in an accident.
Inquest into the Death of Thomas Brownell.
The testimony of Daniel Lawton aged about twenty-three years or there-abouts being according to law upon oath ingaged testifieth that yesterday in the afternoon Mr Brownell being at the deponants fathers house, Mr Brownell asked the deponant whether he would ride towards Portsmouth town along with him, the deponant answered he would so they both ride together, and when they were come down the hill at the head of William Wodels ground, Mr. Brownell put his horse on a gallop afore the deponant, whereupon this deponant also put on his horse and presently out run Mr Brownell and got affore him, and so continued on his gallop some distance of way afore he lookt back but at length looking back to see where Mr Brownell was he spied his horse running alone out of the way into a swamp whereupon this deponant forth with, not mistrusting emminant danger to the man ran and turned horse and brought him into the way where presently he saw Mr Brownell lying on the ground, and the deponant called but none answering he lett horse goe and went up to him and took him by the arms, whereby and also by the efusion of very much blood from him on the ground he perceived the sayd Mr Brownell was dead. This deponant doth testify the above written.
The coroner's jury made an inquest into the death and took testimony from Daniel Lawton. The jury concluded that Brownell, riding furiously down the hill, was either thrown against or hit the tree. The broken reins of the bridle had been found next to the body and there was blood and hair sticking to the tree. Brownell's skull was broken and his "brains came out," thus causing his death.
Thomas Brownell did not have a will. The Council of the Towne of Portsmouth with the free and voluntary consent of Ann Brownell, widow of the deceased Thomas Brownell, enacted the Ann Brownell whole and executor of the estate.
Father: Robert BROWNELL b: 1576 in Yorkshire, England
Mother: Mary WILSON b: 1576 in Yorkshire, Eng
Marriage 1 Ann BOURNE b: 1606 in London, England
Married: 20 MAR 1636/37 in St. Benet & St. Peters at Pauls Wharf, London, England 7 8
Mary BROWNELL b: 1639 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island
Sarah BROWNELL b: 1641 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island
Martha BROWNELL b: 1 MAY 1643 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island
George BROWNELL b: 1646 in Little Compton, Rhode Island
William BROWNELL b: 1648 in Little Compton, Rhode Island
Thomas BROWNELL b: 1650 in Little Compton, Newport County, Rhode Island
Robert BROWNELL b: 1652 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island
Ann BROWNELL b: 1654 in Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island
1. Title: A History of the Brownell Family
Author: William R. Brownell
Publication: 1975
Note: ABBR A History of the Brownell Family
Note: I Patricia Joan Ayres Brownell have a copy of this book.
Source Media Type: Book
ABBR A History of the Brownell Family
Page: Page Six
Text: This states that Thomas is the son of Robert and Mary (Wilson) Brownell.
2. Title: The Brownell Family in Vermont
Author: Lincoln C. Brownell
Publication: Lincoln C. Brownell, 100 Brownell Mountain Rd., Williston, Vermont 05495
Note: ABBR The Brownell Family in Vermont
Note: I Patricia Joan Ayres Brownell have a copy of this book.
Source Media Type: Book
ABBR The Brownell Family in Vermont
Page: Page Two
Text: Thomas ands Anne (Bourne) Brownell lived as a young couple lived forabouta year in St. Mary Cole Parish, London, then sailed in 1638 on theship"Whale" to Braintree, Massachusetts; and went on to build theirpermanenthome in Portsmouth, Rhode Island.
3. Title: Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Author: John Osborne Austin
Publication: Baltimore Genealogical Publishing., Inc. 1982
Note: ABBR Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Note: I Patricia Joan Ayres Brownell have a copy of these papers.
Source Media Type: Book
ABBR Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island
Page: Page Twenty-Nine
Text: Shows two generations of descendants from Thomas and Anne(Bourne)Brownell.
4. Title: Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Thomas Brownell
Author: George Grant Brownell
Publication: Martin Merz and Son Printers - Jamestown, New York
Note: ABBR Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Thomas Brownell
Note: I Patricia Joan Ayres Brownell have a copy of this book.
Source Media Type: Book
ABBR Genealogical Record of the Descendants of Thomas Brownell
Page: Pages Nine thru Fourteen
Text: Short story of the history of Thomas Brownell and his children.
5. Title: The Brownell Chronicle - Robert Brownell
Author: Bill Brownell
Publication: Lion Publications, Inc., 1320 Miller Dr. Suite 10, Los Angles, CA 90069
Note: ABBR The Brownell Chronicle - Robert Brownell
Note: I Patricia Joan Ayres Brownell have a copy of this magazine.
Source Media Type: Magazine
ABBR The Brownell Chronicle - Robert Brownell
Page: Volume One, Number One, April 1994
Text: Brownell's Arrive In America
6. Title: Little Compton Families
Author: Benjamin Franklin Wilbour
Publication: Little Compton Historical Society
Note: ABBR Little Compton Families
Note: I Patricia Joan Ayres Brownell have a copy of this book.
Source Media Type: Book
ABBR Little Compton Families
Page: Page 87
Text: Lists Thomas, wife Mary and children.
7. Title: daveanthes.FTW
Note: ABBR daveanthes.FTW
Note: Source Media Type: Other
Text: Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
8. Title: Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Feb 6, 2004