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Female Ava Bernardez Click to view Ava Bernardez in the family tree

Ava was born in 0910.1   Ava's father was I Bernardo and her mother was Tota Galindez.  Her paternal grandparents were Ramon I Comte de Paliares and Guinegenta\Giniguenta Asnarez; her maternal grandparents were Count Of Aragon Galindo and Acibella OF Gascony. She had a brother named II.  She was the younger of the two children.  She died at the age of 17 in 0927.1 

Ava's family with Miron II Comté De Cerdagne Et Besalu

They had a son named Oliva II Comté De Cerdagne Et.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
daveanthes.FTW, daveanthes.FTW, Spare.FTW

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