[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
'NOTE: In 1969, Charles J. Jacobs in "A Suggestred Moslem Descentfrom Eleanor of Provence a nd Eleanor of Castile" in Augustan,XII:217--222 (July-Aug. 1969) makes a good case for Berna rd I (Gen.37) having as his mother, his father's only wife (cf. Gen. 38) a dauof Mutarrif-i bn-Lope of the Banu Qasi family, and he makes GuinigentaBernard's sister-in-law. If these f indings are sustained, this opensup a five-generation Moslem descent.[Spare.FTW]
'NOTE: In 1969, Charles J. Jacobs in "A Suggestred Moslem Descentfrom Eleanor of Provence a nd Eleanor of Castile" in Augustan,XII:217--222 (July-Aug. 1969) makes a good case for Berna rd I (Gen.37) having as his mother, his father's only wife (cf. Gen. 38) a dauof Mutarrif-i bn-Lope of the Banu Qasi family, and he makes GuinigentaBernard's sister-in-law. If these f indings are sustained, this opensup a five-generation Moslem descent.