[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
DEATH: John Kaspar Anthes died at his home in Bradford Township, Ashton, Lee Co., IL on Monday, December 11, 1876. Brother Anthes was born on June 9, 1826 in Zwingenberg, Hessendarmstadt. He came to American at the age of 21 years. Brother Anthes was formerly a minister and member of the Illinois Conference of the Evangelical Church. Soon after his arrival in America, through the services of an Evangelical Minister, he became interested and was converted to the Christian faith. He served many years as a class leader.
DEATH: In 1851 he received permission from the Illinois Conference to serve as a minister on probation and was immediately assigned as a circuit rider. He served eight years as a traveling minister, and later a number of years as a local minister, but some years ago withdrew from the church and remained thus until his death. In spite of this, unheeded, he sought to serve God and was busy again and again in the service of the Lord.
DEATH: Brother Anthes had been ailing for a year but the ailment that caused his death was dropsy from which he suffered severely the last four weeks. He death occurred on Monday, December 11, 1876.
DEATH: I often visited him during his illness and questioned him in regards to his religious beliefs; and so I asked him shortly before his death in regard to his own religious faith. He replied he had made his peace with God and could die happily. His end was peace. At the time of his death he was 50 years, six months and two days old.
DEATH: He leaves behind a deeply bereaved wife and nine children (4 sons and 5 daughters), two loving brothers and many other kinsmen. Three children preceded him in death. On Wednesday, Dec 13, his remains were laid to rest. A large assembly of friends attended the services at which the author of this obituary preached in German, and Reverend Laschell of the Ashton Mission preached in English.
DEATH: signed A. S. Heilman