Ron. Just read the attachment ( book) ....thanks so much...nice to see
informantion on the decendents... If you wish to have this addition
.....David C Shaw and Marthabea Shaws son David Lee Shaw married Cornelia
Elizabeth ,they called her Betti, Mc Gee (MaGee) Her father was John MaGee
and he (as the story goes) was a Yankee from the north, This did not set
well with her mothers family.. Her mother was Caroilne Curry the daughter
Issiah Curry and Ann O Neil,,,,THe Currys were a powerful family in the
Montgomery La area.....and owned a plantation called Lodi.....Well again
the story goes, Caroline died, when Betti was very young, and the Curry
sons chased John MaGee of the plantation. The Currys claim he died over
in Texas,,,,but Betti thinks that her uncles killed him. She never
forgave the
Currys for that. She grew up in the home of her uncle Samuel Curry
she married David Shaw....David Shaw was a religious man and did not like
the life style of the Currys or the life style of the area.. He thought
there was too much drinking and gambling , so he moved the family to
Winnfield. Louisiana.. Betti did miss the life style of the plantation
compared to that of a farm. but was willing to follow her husband to
Winnfield as to keep their children from the "sins "of the River
area.....I dont think that the Currys would agree to these things, tee
hee hee....but this was the story my mother had told me as well as my
uncle. So I believe that Betti had told them all this.. Another story is
that David fought in the bloody battle of Colfax, Louisiana,(1873) where
120 Union Black Soldiers tried to take over the court house as orderded
by the Union after the war..Carpetbaggers and all... all the 120 Black
Soldiers were shot to death...it was felt by the southern whites that
they had had enough of the
carpetbaggers and did not want to be ruled by blacks, thus leading to a
riot.......any way he was there and when he came home, he put his gun away
and said that he would never raise his gun again to another man.....he
for Gods forgiveness... This riot he was just in ,was hard for him to
talk about,,,He was considered a hero by the town, but he did not take to
the all the attention,,,,he had a job to do and he did it,,,,,he wanted
to let it be, and to get back to farming...and he dedicated himself to
live a peaceful life by trying to restore peace in his community...My
mother said he was a very religious man... His strong faith was passed
down to his children as they were also very strong in their Christian
beliefs.....When his son Henry I Shaw ( my grandfather ) was to sick to
go to church, (1940/500s) he would turn on the radio and listen to a
preacher preach the Gospel every Sunday.....and the song that would be on
that station was " Turn your radio on" .....every time I hear that song I
think of my grandpa........Liz "Dick & Liz" <dickcu@@email.msn.com>