[coosa1.ged] Family history has passed down this story, relayed by Jeremiah - Jeremiah and Joseph were marching side by side in a row across the field. Joseph was shot and fell down. Jeremiah stopped to render aid, but their commanding officer ordered him to keep moving. [this part was told later, but has never been confirmed: After the war, Jeremiah went back and killed the commanding officer and was sentenced to 20 yr. If this story is true, it's not likely he served the sentence because 6 kids were born to him within the next 20 years, including my g-grandmother Amanda]. I have official copies of Jeremiah's and Joseph's Civil War Records. Jeremiah was a POW captured at Petersburg, VA on 6-17-1864] and remained at Elmira, NY prison until 3-22-1865 at which time he was furloughed. He suffered a shell wound "slight below left knee". I can't tell from the records if this meant a slight shell wound below his left knee or a shell wound slightly below his left knee. Family never mentioned any of this so we don't know if he never told it or if it was a minor injury. I never knew he was a POW until I got his records. He and Joseph mustered in the same day and location [3-24-1862 at Rockford] and both joined their uncle's [Stubblefield] company F of the 59th Alabama Infantry. Jeremiah was also in Company B and C [at end of war]. Written by Uli and Brenda. Jeremiah served in Co C- B, 59 Alabama Infantry as a Private, enlisted 26 March 1862. His infantry company was know as "Hillard's Legion". Source: Civil War Records-daily muster cards Jeremiah Castleberry death certificate, State of Texas #24321 The headstone reads d. 9 September 1915, but the death certificate says 9 November 1915, with burial on 10 November 1915.