ID # 1 IMPORTANT NOTE >>> It is not my intent to add the descendants of the daughters or to list the ancestry of their any spouses (unl ess the information is not available else where). Will make a note of the pare nts of the husband or wife (on their page) when known. Some of the info is in file "1282574". If not seen there, will be listed on some other page. ------- -------------------- Source: Info for 1st 3 generations from Austin's Genea logical Dictionary of Rhode Island pg. 131. Use the 1969 reprint edition. It contains additions and corrections as published in TAG (The American Genealogis t) from about 1943 thru 1961. Additonal info various children lists, marriag es, death notices seen in the Arnold's Rhode Island Vital Records series. Al so will been seen, the Genweb -Rhode Island -Historical Cemetery listings and v arious other locations. HAVE NOTED IN THE WEB SITES - ERRORS AS TO WHO WAS W HO, MISMATCHED MARRIAGES. Use the info you see with caution. Check with the s ubmitter or other sources for verification. Note: among the adds/corrs. (i n TAG) is a change in name of wife of James son Thomas b. 1673. The original e dition listed "Martha Field". 1969 edition makes a correction -lists "Martha Sheldon". Should you see any file listing "Martha Field" as wife, it indica tes the file owner has not done proper homework. There maybe other errors in the file that were never corrected. ----------------------------------------- --- ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT NOTE; One of the major sources of names and dates, a re the file of Dave Kite; mainly those found in "genforum" by using the search facility for a given "Mathewson" first name. Most of the hits will be for pa ges titled "Descendants of Roger Del Feld". The info seen on those pages is a combination of MOST of the information gathered by "Almond Hodges" about 1906 and housed at the Rhode Island Historical Society in Providence; a large Mathew son file in vol 5 of World Family Tree and Dave's own file in vol 18 of WFT. Some of the info from vol 5 seems to have been omitted. Also, there probably was a quirk of some sort in Dave's program -used for the "Family Home Pages" a s some of the individuals seen there are listed with identical info on more tha n one page.