When King Egbert of Wessex, who won the entire of Britain to his control and is sometimes considered the first King of all England, died in 839, he gave everything to his son ∆thelwulf, who in turn gave his son Athelstan the smaller satellite kingdoms of Kent, Essex, Sussex. In 840, he fought the Danes at Charmouth. In 851, ∆thelwulf and his son ∆thelbald defeated the Mercians at Ockley. He gave up the throne to his son in 856 when Athelstan died. Wessex passed to ∆thelbald, and the satellites went to ∆thelbert. Ethelwulf (or Aethelwulf) (died 858), king of the West Saxons 839-58, father of Alfred the Great; successfully repulsed a Danish invasion
ETHELWULF (r. 839-856)
Ethelwulf was the son of Egbert. He succeeded his father in 839. At Ethelwulf's request, his four sons each became king in turn rather than risk weakness in the kingdom by allowing young children to inherit the mantle of leadership.
He reduced taxation, endowed the church, made lay lands inheritable and provided systems of poor relief. reigned 839 - 858