[1700591.ged] Canonised 1250 and her feast day is 16th November. In 1057 she arrived at the English court of Edward the Confessor. Ten years later she was in exile after William defeated Harold at the Battle of Hastings. She fled to Scotland where she was married against her wishes to King Malcolm to whom she bore six sons and two daughters. Her unlerned and boorish husband grew daily more graceful and Christian under the queen's graceful influence. She brought Norman French, their customs and culture, to Scotland. She forced English practice on scottish clergy, supported by Malcolm, offending the Celtic north and creating a schism that would remain for many years. Her remains were removed to Escorial Spain and her head Douai, France. d. 1093, queen consort of Malcolm III and sister of Edgar Atheling. She was married to Malcolm c.1070. A deeply religious woman, she worked to replace the Celtic practices of the Scottish church with those of Rome. She did this partly by bringing many English priests into Scotland and founding new monasteries. She was generous to the poor and led a life of extraordinary piety. She was canonized in 1250. Feast: June 10 or, in Scotland, Nov. 16.
‌Margaret "the Exile" and Malcolm III were married in a religious ceremony in 1069.1 They had a son and a daughter, named David and Matilda of Scotland.