Some say died 1098. Slew Macbeth 1057. King of Strathclyde. "Big Head"
(Malcolm Canmore), d. 1093, king of Scotland (1057-93), son of Duncan I;
successor to Macbeth (d. 1057). He was raised in England. It took him
some years after Macbeth's death to regain the boundaries of his father's
kingdom. About 1068, Edgar
Atheling, pretender to the English throne, took refuge with Malcolm, who
soon married Edgar's sister Margaret (see Margaret of Scotland, Saint).
On behalf of Edgar, Malcolm invaded N England, but in 1072 William I of
England invaded Scotland, and
Malcolm was forced to pay homage at Abernathy. In the reign of William
II, Edgar joined Malcolm in his raid into England in 1091, but William
forced both men to submit and to do homage. Malcolm was killed at
Alnwick, ambushed by a Norman friend while
on still another raid into England. His frequent wars insured the
independence of his kingdom, which made possible the great ecclesiastical
reorganization initiated by his wife, Margaret. Queen Margaret died 3
days after Malcolm, and Scotland was
throne into chaos. Malcolm was succeeded briefly by his brother Donald
Bane. Raised in the Hebrides by Norse, he overthrew Norman feudalism for
Viking policy. Duncan II, Malcolm's oldest son, had been held hostage by
William Rufus, son of William the
Conqueror. He was sent with Rufus's support to overthrow Donald, and
succeeded (reigned 1093-94), but was murdered in return and Donald was
recrowned in 1094. Edgar, Donald's half brother, is sent to take on
Donald, again with the support of an Anglo
Norman army, and chases him out in 1097. (reigned 1097-1107) He makes
peace with Magnus Barelegs, King of Norway, ceding him the Hebrides which
he in fact had been ruling for many years. Upon Edgar's death in 1107,
his brother Alexander succeeds but
rules only between Forth and Spey, his youngest brother David rules south
of Forth. Alexander marries King Henry's daughter Sibylla, and his
sister Maud becomes his new wife.
*This differs from the following info: Malcolm's daughter Edith (renamed
Matilda) married Henry I of England, and another daughter was mother to
the wife of King Stephen of England.