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Male William Brownlie Williamson Click to view William Brownlie Williamson in the family tree Click to view William Brownlie Williamson in the family tree in SVG format

William was born in 1879.  William's father was John Williamson and his mother was Rebecca Kay.  His paternal grandparents were George Williamson and Janet Brownlie; his maternal grandparents were John Kay and Harriet Waugh.  He was the oldest of six children.  He had three brothers and two sisters, named John, George, William, Rebecca and Jessie.  He died at the age of 69 in 1948.

William's family with Barbara JESSIE Smith

They had three sons and a daughter, named John, Ruby, Rita and Jessie.

Male John Williamson
John was born on June 17th, 1905 in Deniston.  He died at the age of 93 in 1998.

Female Ruby Williamson
Ruby was born in 1908.  She died at the age of 94 in 2002.

Male Rita Williamson
Rita was born in 1910.  He died at the age of 90 in 2000.

Male Jessie Williamson
Jessie was born in 1914.

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