John Fraunceis, the 'Cracked Knight', also known as 'Jack the Devil'.
As a result of a fall from his horse at an early age, the knight had become slightly touched.
In 1860 most of the family papers were burned in a bonfire under the tenure of a particularly eccentric ancestor known as the 'Cracked Knight'.
Endless tales are told of him, and his odd behaviour, including riding his horse up the back stairs at Glin. He was a man of immense strength and one day when his beef was not cooked to his liking, he threw it with its silver-plated dish and cover the full length of the dining room and out the window. Habits like these may explain why his wife sought separation from him. He also was said to have enormous power over animals. 'Cracked Jack' was in turn succeeded by his son Desmond, the 'Big Knight', in 1866.