Joseph Charles William Hermitage (Army Seaman OZ Later Theodore Owen Dunn)
Joseph was born on September 13th, 1900 in
114 Roman Road East Ham and his christening took place on October 28th, 1900 at
St Mary Magdalene East Ham.
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- Birth Notes
- has down to Joseph Charles Hermitage and Lizzie nee Ellis
but think his father was James Walker and Lizzie Hermitage nee Ellis
his married mistress
He died about February 1st, 1981 in
St John Hospital Hobart. The funeral took place on February 6th, 1981 in
Hobart Tasmania.
- Death Notes
- Theodore Owen Dunn age 81, burial , 6 feb 1981, last residence DYNNYRNE
Dulcie Lucy Dunn, age 88, cremation, 10 May 2002 last residence
So I now learn from Frank that during Tod’s visit to us, Frank had been driving Tod around a lot and while Frank was driving, Tod was talking, talking and talking.
In Hobart he started a small business hiring out tools and equipment and made a small fortune during bush fires. He lost it on the horses.
He got a railway carriage or something similar in which he opened a café. He had a lot of glass bottles which he filled up regularly with water and a dash of squash in each. It was a very profitable way of selling drinks. Plus the machinery hire was going well as well. This ties up with what Norman told Alan W.
The sad story was that Tod had a son who died in a car accident. No more details. Frank also told me that his daughter visited us! BUT we have been led to believe that he had no other children according to his death certificate. Unfortunately he cannot remember her name nor anything else about her and is now unsure of her relationship with Tod after what I have told him.
James Henry Walker (Merchant Seamanwent to Hobart then Boiler maker)
James was born on October 18th, 1902 in
East Ham and his christening took place on November 16th, 1902 at
St Mary Magdalene East Ham.
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- Birth Notes
DEC 1902 WEST HAM 4A 319 page
When he was baptised James Walker the father
and Elizabeth Walker (really Lizzie ELLIS NOT MARRIED)
He died at the age of 73 on November 16th, 1975 in
Hobart Tasmania.
- Death Notes
- A James H Walker married a Mary Casey in Poplar in June 1929 making her a Mary Walker as in the application
. Poplar is a town just to the West of East Ham where my James Henry Walker was born.
A Kathleen Walker was born to a Walker/Casey couple in Poplar in the September quarter of 1929
This ties up with the age of the daughter in the application
And finally a Norman Walker was born to a Walker/Casey couple in Poplar in Jun 1937
This ties up with the age of the first son in the application.