Family Leverett Hudson EVANS & Sarah C. BROWN Click to view Leverett Hudson EVANS & Sarah C. BROWN in the family tree Click to view Leverett Hudson EVANS & Sarah C. BROWN in the family tree in SVG format

Leverett Hudson and Sarah C. were married.  They had six sons and three daughters, named David, John, James Louis, Leverett, George Milton, Daniel, Sarah Saphronia, Clara Jane and Eliza.

Male Leverett Hudson EVANS
Leverett Hudson was born on March 2nd, 1817 in South Carolina.1   He died at the age of 69 in 1886 in Winston County, Alabama.  His burial was in Hadder Cemetery, Winston County, Alabama.2 

Female Sarah C. BROWN
Sarah C. was born in 1824 in South Carolina or Georgia.3   She died at the age of 75 in 1899 in Winston County, Alabama.  Her burial was in Hadder Cemetery, Winston County, Alabama.2 


Male David EVANS
David was born in July 1854.

Female Sarah Saphronia EVANS
Sarah Saphronia was born on May 5th, 1857 in Heard Cty, GA.  She died at the age of 90 on December 19th, 1947.

Male John EVANS
John was born in 1859 in GA.

Male James Louis EVANS
James Louis was born on January 19th, 1861 in Heard Cty, GA.4   He died at the age of 58 on October 2nd, 1919 in Des Arc, Prairie Cty, AR.  His burial was on October 3rd, 1919 in Whippoorwill Cemetery, Des Arc, AR.4 4 

Female Clara Jane EVANS
Clara Jane was born on June 17th, 1861 in Heard Cty, GA.4   She died due to heart disease, "chronic valvular heart disease", at the age of 75 on February 12th, 1937 in Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama.  Her burial was in Phil Campbell, Franklin County, Alabama.5 5 

Male Leverett EVANS
Leverett was born on July 21st, 1863 in GA.  He died at the age of 70 on August 23rd, 1933 in Lonoke, AR.  His burial was on August 24th, 1933 in Weeden Cemetery, Lonoke, AR.4 4 

Female Eliza EVANS
Eliza was born on April 1st, 1865 in Heard Cty, GA.4   She died at the age of 84 on November 18th, 1949 in Winston County, Alabama.  Her burial was on November 20th, 1849 in Mt Hope Cemetery, Winston Cty, AL.4 4 

Male George Milton EVANS
George Milton was born on July 22nd, 1866 in Heard Cty, GA.4   He died at the age of 71 on March 31st, 1938 in Arley, AL.  His burial was on April 1st, 1938 in Mt Hope Cemetery, Winston Cty, AL.4 4 

Male Daniel EVANS

1 census 1850, Earl EVANS
2 tombstone
3 census records
4 Earl EVANS
5 death certificate

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