b. TN removed TN > AL before 1861 residing in District 1, Madison, AL, post office Hayes Store on 15 Jun 1860 residing in T1 R2, Madison, AL, post office Madison Crossroads on 9 Jun 1870
1870 US Census (9 Jun), residing in T1 R2, Madison, AL, post office Madison Crossroads, dw/fam 40/40, head of h/hold is David BROWN, age 42 (1828), male, white, farmer, val of real/pers est 300/300, b. AL, living with Alitha 37 (1833) F W keeping house b. TN, Elizabeth 14 (1856) F W farm laborer TN, Douglas 9 M W at home b. AL, Abner 5 M W at home b. AL, James HOWELL 12 M W farm laborer b. TN.
Image Source: Year: 1870; Census Place: Township 1 Range 2, Madison, Alabama; Roll: M593_27; Page: 232; Image: 27.
1860 US Census (15 Jun), residing in District 1, Madison, AL, post office Hayes Store, dw/fam 276/276, head of h/hold is David BROWN, age 30 (1830), male, farmer, val of real est not indicated, val of pers est 60, b. AL, illiteracy not indicated (cf. 1870), living with Telitha 27 (1833), female, b. TN, Elizabeth 4 TN, Josaphin(e) 2 AL. Near nbrs at 274/274 are tanner Jno/Elizabeth BROWN 58/53 NJ/TN, relationship unknown. No HOWELL (exact) in Madison in 1860.
Image Source: Year: 1860; Census Place: District 1, Madison, Alabama; Roll: M653_15; Page: 276; Image: 277.