Elizabeth was born in 1796. Elizabeth is no longer alive.
General Notes
m. to FNU HOWELL residing in District 11, Lincoln, TN in 1840 residing in Subdivision 2, Lincoln, TN on 4 Sep 1850 will signed in Lincoln Cty, TN on 19 Jan 1856
from researcher Muriel Barnett: Lincoln County, Tennessee Wills Will Book for 1853 - Page 295. "I Elizabeth Howell do make and publish this my last will and testament hereby revolking and making void all other wills made at any time. #1 I direct that my funeral expenses and all debts be paid etc. #2 I give and bequeath to my daughter Martha, who married Gideon Barnet, said Martha now dead, 1 cent. To my daughter Joanna R. who married Lorenzo Harrison, now deceased, 1 cent. To my daughter Savannah C. who married Leon Benson, 1 cent. To Altabitha C. who married David Brown, 1 cent. To Charles Howell, 1 cent. #3 I give and bequeath to my son Hyson M. Howell, my entire stock of every discription, my household and kitchen furniture of every discription. Lastly, I do nominate and appoint Hyson M. Howell, my executor. In witness whereof I do to this will set my hand and seal this the 19th day of January 1856." Signed sealed & published in our presence 19 Jan. 1856 Signed: Elizabeth Howell John Moore, Joshua Smith Recorded in County Court November Term 1858 Daniel J. Wittingham
1850 US Census (4 Sep), residing in Subdivision 2, Lincoln, TN, dw/fam 132/132, head of h/hold is Elizabeth HOWELL, age 54 (1796), b. GA, unable to read/write, Rosana B. female 25 TN, Atabitha C. female 19 TN, Hyson M. 17 male TN. Immed nbrs incl Charles S. 32 TN at 133/133 and Lorenzo/Lucinda HARRISON 35/20 AL/GA at 128/128.
1850 Slave Schedules (4-6 Sep), TN, Lincoln, Subdivision 2, Elizabeth HOWELL owns one slave, age 34 (1816), male, black. (Cf. David HOWELL 1840 census record.) No other HOWELL slaveholders in 1850 in Lincoln. 5,619 slaves in Lincoln in 1850. That number falls to 67 in 1860, no HOWELL slaveholders then.
1840 US Census has Lorenzy HARRISON in District 11, Lincoln, TN 10001-10001, thus one male 0-5 (1835-1840), one male 20-30 (1810-1820) (Lorenzo 1815), one female 0-5 (1835-1840) and one female 20-30 (1810-1820) (Joanna R.?), (next page) no slaves, 4 persons total in h/hold, 1 person engaged in agriculture. Next door is David HOWELL 010010001-0111101, thus one male 5-10 (1830-1835), one male 20-30 (1810-1820), eldest male 60-70 (1770-1780), one female 5-10 (1830-1835), one female 10-15 (1825-1830), one female 15-20 (1820-1825), one female 20-30 (1810-1820), eldest female 40-50 (1790-1800) (Elizabeth 1796), (next page) slaves, one male 10-24 (1816-1830), one male 24-36 (1804-1816), one female 36-55 (1785-1804), 11 persons total, 4 persons engaged in agriculture.
Image Source: Year: 1840; Census Place: Not Stated, Lincoln, Tennessee; Roll: 531; Page: 50.