Source: Al Luce using Irish and Scottish Civil Records. Moved to Scotland circa 1890.
Did bro and sis marry sis and bro?
Al Luce: 1891 Census: Bridgeton, Glasgow Bellingham:Thomas (25), Margaret (24), William (4), Ellen (1).
Al Luce: Births to Thomas and Margaret Bellingham from Scots civil records - index entries only
1889 - Lena Bellingham, Greenock East
1891 - Robert John Bellingham, Bridgeton, Glasgow
1893 - Mary Bellingham, Bridgeton, Glasgow
1895 - Thomas Billingham, Bridgeton, Glasgow
1896 - Joseph Bellingham, Bridgeton, Glasgow
1898 - Matthew Bellingham, Bridgeton, Glasgow
Indices searched to 1899, these are only entries for Bridgeton, Glasgow.