John Rennie will
The cited information was sourced from Electronic Document (email, file) published by (Ref: Rennie, John (Reference SC36/51/75 Glasgow Sheriff Court Wills)) The author/originator was Glasgow Sheriff Court. This citation is considered to be direct and primary evidence used, or by dominance of the evidence.
- Source Notes
- There are two later legal documents I haven't fetched (see below: Eik, and Eik granted)
Rennie John 13/04/1881 Mason, Builder and Quarry Master, Glasgow, d. 07/06/1878 at Glasgow, testate Eik Glasgow Sheriff Court Inventories SC36/48/95 VIEW (£5.00)
(3 pages)
Rennie John 09/07/1878 Mason, Glasgow d. 07/06/1878 at Glasgow, testate Eik granted 13/04/1881 Glasgow Sheriff Court Inventories SC36/48/85 VIEW (£5.00)
(5 pages)
Rennie John 05/07/1878 Mason and builder, Glasgow Will Glasgow Sheriff Court Wills SC36/51/75 VIEW (PAID)
(11 pages)
- Source/Citation References (8)