1 AUTH author John Bennett Boddie Genealogical Publishing, 1975
Va. Hist. Genealogies, p. 116.
Elizabeth, m. Martin Palmer (?), who held 1200 acres in KingWilliamin1704.
Abstrct of the will of JOHN MALLORY, citizen and leathersellerofLondon,dated 23 May, 1747.
To my wife and her heirs my estate of Stratford Lanthory Co.Essex.AlsoIgive her les e o f m y house in the Strand.
To Treasurer of Saint Georges Hospital 100 pounds--for use ofsickandlamethere.
To Treasurer of the New Foundling Hospital for use ofthatcharity,100pounds.
To Mr. Galfidus Mann and Mr. Richard Cooke, 20 guineas each for mourning.
I make my wife sole executrix and give her residue of myestateonconditionthat she pa y s t o said Mr. Mann and Mr. Cooke 4000poundswithin3 yers,to be held by them in trust as fo l low s--
To pay interest to my wife for her life and after her deathtopaytochilden of my brothe r W i lliam near Jamestown in Virginia400pounds,inKing Williams County, to the children of m y s isterELIZABETHPALMER(Sic) 300 pounds--to the children of my brother Rober1200pounds--to t h e children of my brother Thomas 1200 pounds--tothechildren ofmysister Quarles 300 pound s - - to the children of mybrotherCharles400pounds--To the childrem of my cousin (nephew) Francis Mallory ofJamesRiverinvirginia 200 pounds--
If any of said children die their shares shall go totheirlawfulrepresentatives. Witness e s : Charles Waring
John Vickerey
John Locker
Proved 6th December, 1752 by Mary Mallory, widow, relict and executrix.
Elizabeth, m. Martin Palmer (?), who held 1200 acres in KingWilliamin1704.
Abstrct of the will of JOHN MALLORY, citizen and leather sellerofLondon,dated 23 May, 1747.
To my wife and her heirs my estate of Stratford Lanthory Co. Essex.AlsoIgive her lese o f m y house in the Strand.
To Treasurer of Saint Georges Hospital 100 pounds--for use of sickandlamethere.
To Treasurer of the New Foundling Hospital for use of thatcharity,100pounds.
I make my wife sole executrix and give her residue of myestateoncondition that she pay s t o said Mr. Mann and Mr. Cooke 4000poundswithin3 yers, to be held by them in trust as fol low s--
To pay interest to my wife for her life and after her death topaytochilden of my brother W i lliam near Jamestown in Virginia 400pounds,inKing Williams County, to the children of my s i sterELIZABETHPALMER(Sic) 300 pounds--to the children of my brother Rober 1200pounds--tot h e children of my brother Thomas 1200 pounds--to thechildren ofmysister Quarles 300 pounds - - to the children of my brotherCharles400pounds--To the childrem of my cousin (nephew) Francis Mallory of JamesRiverinvirginia 200 pounds--
If any of said children die their shares shall go to theirlawfulrepresentatives. Witnesse s : Charles Waring
John Vickerey
John Locker