REFN: 2289AN
REFN: P2290
He was bur. Feb. 28, 1648. Inv. filed 29 (7) 1657. The widow m. afterward
John Trumble, and later Richard Swan. She made her will 4 July, 1678,
prob. 24 Sept. 1678. Beq. to sons Caleb, John and Jonathan Hopkin-son,
and others. [Reg. XXXI, 115.]
Henry, Charlestown, propr. 1638, Salem, propr. 1639; frm. May 22, 1639.
Ch. Thomas bapt. 26 (12) 1642, Eliza bap t. 8 (12) 1645.
He d. before 23 (10) 1651, when Sarah, child of Henry, dec. an d Joan d.
in Boston. [.See Halsey.]
Richard, husbandman, Boston, adm. chh. 6 (11) 1638, frm. May 13, 1640. He
was dismissed to the gathering of a ch. at Row-ley 24 (9) 1639. His first
wife Ann was bur. April 4, 1658; and he m. Mar ch 1, 1658-9, Ann, widow of
JOhn Trumble. She deposed 30 March, 1675, ae. abo ut 60 years. ch. John
bapt. at Bo. 13 (11) 1638, Robert, (deposed in 1662, ae . 36 years,) Mercy
b. 4 (5) 1640, Faith b. 30 (1) 1644, Sarah, (name written and crossed out
in 1647.)
He was bur. May 14, 1675. Will dated 25 April, pro b. 23 May, 1678, beq.
to wife Ann, as by mar. contract; to son Robert and his son Richard; to
son-in-law Joseph Boynton, his wife sarah and ch. Elizabeth, Samuel and
Sarah B.; to daus. Frances Quilter, Jane Wilson, Dorothy Chapman and
Mercy War-ener. The widow Ann made will 4 July, prob. 24 Sept. 1678; beq.
to daus. Abigail Bayley and Mary Kilborne; to son Caleb Hopkin-son a
chest that father Gott made; to sons John and Jonathan Hopkinson; one
book to John Trumble.
Database: American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI)
SWAN, Richard
Birth Date: 1600 Birth Place: Eng, Massachusetts
Volume: 172 Page Numbe r: 358
Reference: Directory of the anc. heads of New England fams. Comp. By
Frank R. Holmes. NewYork, 1923. (274p.):231 Gen. Column of the " Boston
Tran script". 1906-1941.( The greatest single source of material for gen.
Data for the N.E. area and for the period 1600-1800. Completely indexed
in the Index. ): 29 Jul 1932, 5055; 25 Aug1932, 5055; 6 Dec 1933, 7545; 20
Dec 1933, 7546; 5 Jan 1934, 7546
Estate of Richard Swan of Rowley
Essex Probate Docket # 2689 3
The Last will & Testament of Richard Swan of Rowley In the County of
Essex in New England I Richard Swan being weak of body, but of perfect
Memory & un derstanding doe make & appoynt this my Last will as followeth:
Imprs. my Soul I Comitt Into the hands of the Almighty God my Maker in &
through the Lord Je sus Christ whome I trust hath redeemed it, & my body
to decent Burial in hope of a comfortable Resurection, through the death
& Resurection of the Lord Je ses Christ. As to my outward Estate that God
of his goodness hath graciously Lent, & bestowed upon mee, I leaue Give &
bestow it as Followeth:
Imprs. To my dearly Beloved wife Ann Swan I give, and freely Bestow upon
her dureing he r Natural Life: what I Contracted wth her to have upon our
agreement before m ariage vizt. my now dwelling house, orchard, Barne, &
out houses & yards wth the pviledges thereof upon the Comon: & plow
ground behind the Barne; and the English pasture Ground Joyneing upon the
house Lott, and the pasture Ground lying betweene the English Grass
pasture, & pollipod Lotts: & Three Acers of Salt Marsh, Joyneing upon the
Ox pasture at the East end of the Towne: Further not exprest in our
contract before mariage, I bestow upon her dureing her n aturall Life,
prouided she live in the house: The Rest of my Meadow joyneing to that
which is before exprest: & the pviledg of keeping two cows yearly in the
East end Ox pasture. Further I acknowledg the Twenty five pounds to be
her due according to our Contract before mariage, & hereby confirme it to
her , to be paid in in houshold stuff, & in what she shal desire of my
other esta te except lands. Further I Give my wife Ten Bushl of Indian &
English corne t hat may be for her use, till she Can proviDe Corne for her
self after my dece ase & a Third part of what other provission I Lea