Alias:<ALIA> Michael /Musser/
REFN: P640
DAR Patriot Index:2743 Musser, Michael, b. c. 1715 GR, d. 1789 PA, m. Mar
ia Eva —— CS PA.
Biographical Sketch (1932):3124 "The earliest existing original tax recor
ds of York County, 1762, are carefully preserved in the Pennsylvania Histo
rical Society files in Philadelphia. This thin pamphlet of small yellowi
ng sheets lists three Mossers3125 in York County at that date: Micha
el in Manchester Township; Christian in Hellam Township; and Samuel, the n
ame of whose township is so defaced as to be illegible. As Samuel purchas
ed land in Springettsbury Manor (now York Township) in 1759,3126 it is lik
ely he claimed that as his home.
The earliest map of Springettsbury was made in 1768. Upon it are located t
he dwellings of Michael and Samuel Moser.3127 They occupied adjoining far
ms of 125 acres each. Michael purchased his farm May 5, 1764 from Samuel a
nd his wife, Catherine.3126 Michael was designated as a resident of Manche
ster Township in the deed of transfer. In the church records of Rev. Lysch
y, an itinerant missionary, is recorded the baptism, March 5, 1751, of Sam
uel Jr. son of Samuel Mosser,3128 at Bermudian in what is now Adams Count
y. He was born October 29, 1750."
Biographical Sketch (1932):3129 "Michael Mosser's name appears in York Cou
nty tax records from 1762 to 1783.3130 Dec. 26, 1788, Michael and Maria E
va deeded to their sons Jacob and Daniel the farm they purchased from Samu
el in 1754.3131 This is the last record of Michael Mosser in York Count
y. He likely died in 1789, as the U. S. census of 1790 lists a 'widow Moss
er' in this township. Interment is supposed to have been in the Mosser pri
vate cemetery, now on the farm owned by Eli Wenika in York Township."
Biographical Sketch (1932):3132 "Michael was born about 1715. He was a Ger
man Lutheran in religious denomination. Nearly all the Mossers appear in r
ecords of that church of the German Reformed church. The York County desce
ndants still hold to one of the two faiths. Michael and Maria Eva were mem
bers of Christ Lutheran Church in York, where the birth of their son Jo
hn Jacob was recorded, Feb. 9, 1756. They were likely the 'Michael Moss
er and wife' who were sponsors at the baptism of their grandson, Samuel Jr
., whose birth is recorded in the records of that church (now in the Yo
rk County Historical Society), July 14, 1767. It was the German custom f
or the grandparents to act as sponsors if they were living and could be pr
Michael moved to Springettsbury Manor, now in York Township, about M
ay 5, 1764, when he purchased a 125-acre farm from Samuel. One of the witn
esses was his son Abraham Mosser who later went to Ohio. Michael was th
en living in Manchester Township."
Biographical Sketch (1974):2774 "Michael Moser (1717-1789) Michael and E
va were members of Christ Lutheran Church in York. In 1762 he was livi
ng in Manchester Township, York County, but in 1764 he bought land from h
is brother Samuel and moved to Springsettsbury Manor. In 1788 the farm w
as deeded to Jacob and Daniel, the two youngest of their seven sons. Eva (
1717-1807) is buried in the Old Lutheran Church Cemetery, two miles nor
th of Petersburg, Ohio."
Biographical Sketch (1976):3120 "Michael was born on July 11, 1717. On Jan
uary 16, 1741 he married Eva Maria, daughter of the deceased Melchior Elsa
sser, a shoemender from Billigheim. Three of their seven sons were baptiz
ed at Bischweiler.
Samuel arrived in Philadelphia in 1749 aboard the Christian.3133 Michael a
rrived the same year aboard the Lydia.3134 Both settled in York Townshi
p, York County, Pennsylvania. Samuel owned land in Springsettsbury Manor t
here in 1759, some of which he sold to his brother Michael in 1764. In 19
32 Mr. Belmont Farley, also a descendant of Michael, typed a manuscript wh
ich has been located in the Youngstown, Ohio, public library and the Libra
ry of Congress, which doc