REFN: 701AN REFN: P701 Biographical Sketch (1976):3120 "In March 1971 the National Genealogical Q uarterly3139 published a list of emigrants from Bischweiler, Alsace, whi ch was found in an old published history of that community. The list inclu ded the names of John Michael and Samuel Moser. This information prompt ed Mary K. Meyer of the Maryland Historical Society, a descendant of Micha el Moser, to engage a researcher in Alsace to search the church records th ere. From the records of the Protestant Reformed Church it has been establ ished that the emigrants Michael and Samuel were brothers, that is, so ns of the marriage of Samuel Moser, Sr. to Catharina Weiss which occurr ed on May 14, 1714. Samuel Moser Sr. was the son of Hans Moser who was dec eased when his son married. Catharina Weiss was the daughter of Hans Micha el Weiss. A Samuel Moser, probably the same one, died there on February 2 2, 1755 at the age of 75." 1755 Death:3488 Translated and transcribed from the Bischwiller Reformed C hurch records: "1755 22 February died Samuel Moser once citizen and farm er who died from a hot fever on the 20th in the evening at the age of 7 5, at the domicile of his son Aron."