Alias:<ALIA> Lady /MacBeth/ REFN: 7411AN Alias:<ALIA> Lady /MacBeth/REFN: P2346 Queen Gruoch (1007 - 1060) was the daughter of Bodhe, prince of Scotland a nd thus granddaughter of the late King Kenneth III of Scotland. Gruoch was first married to Gillacomgain, Mormaer of Moray, to whom she bo re the future King Lulach of Scotland. In 1032, her father arranged her ma rriage to Lord Macbeth, member of Moray clan, who would become King of Sco ts, in 1040, reputedly through her hereditary rights. Kenneth MacAlpin, King of the Scots and Pics united the two races. Accordi ng to MacAlpin's law of Tanistry, the Kings of Scotland were to marry t he Pictish princesses whom held the lands of Scotland. The First Born daug hter princess was intended to inherit her father's estate. This was not t he case in Lady MacBeth's case (Lady Gruoch). Lady Gruoch, step-mother of Lady Gruoch (Lady MacBeth) mustered her ar my to Kill King Gillacomgen of Moray after he had killed King Boede, the f ather of Lady MacBeth after BoeDe made his wife the heiress to his estat e. Gruoch (LMB) was pregnant at the time of her husband's murder. She fl ed to the safety of her husband's cousin, MacBeth. MacBeth was a general. MacBeth and Banquo were the favorites of the newly united Scotland. Many r iots broke out when Duncan became king. The step-mother Lady Gruoch w as an ally of Duncan. Duncan had supported the murder of the King of Mora y. The daughter, Lady Gruoch married MacBeth therefore being known from th en on as Lady MacBeth. She also despised Duncan for his support of her ste p-mother. Lady MacBeth used her ambitions to make her husband a King. Malcolm II h ad stated before he died that his eldest daughter's bloodline would be t he Kings of the West and South of Scotland while Jarl had the remaind er of the Scottish Kingdom. MacBeth descended from the 2nd daughter of Mal colm II therefore not entitled to the thrown. Duncan was the only child fr om the eldest daughter Bethoc's line. Lady MacBeth put her intelligen ce to use. All of this added to Lady MacBeth's obsession to win back what she felt w as her birth right. The Law of Tanistry was supposed to be the law of t he land. Lady MacBeth began to convince her husband that Duncan should di e. She wanted Macbeth to inherit the joint kingdom with Jarl of Orkneys. Lady soon found out that MacBeth would not take part in killing his cous in Duncan. He loved Duncan greatly and honored his thrown. MacBeth had inv ited Duncan for a holiday to his castle Glamis. While Duncan was sleepin g, Lady MacBeth used a dagger and killed Duncan. Lady MacBeth realized t he awful crime and sin she had committed while she was washing Duncan's bl ood from her hands. This Pictish Princess had her rightful title and lands now. The cost of th is was great. Lady MacBeth began to sleep walk. She was doing strange thin gs like always washing her hands and body complaining she was not cle an of the sin she had committed. This lasted for 4 years when finally s he killed herself. Lady MacBeth did have a conscience. She had committed a horrible crime a nd knew in her heart she was wrong. The only way for her to escape w as to end her life. This was also her payment for taking another's life. The Castle Glamis was once that of the MacBeth's.