REFN: 2343AN
REFN: P2344Alias:<ALIA> The /Fool/
Ambushed by Malcolm III and burned alive at Essie, Strathbogie, Scotland.
Lulach (c1029- March 17, 1058) was made king of Scotland b y the followe
rs of Macbeth, his stepfather. He ruled for only a few months fr om 1057-1
058 before being killed by Malcolm III of Scotland (Malcolm Canmore) who s
ucceeded him. Lulach appears to have been a weak king, and was known a s "
Lulach the
Simple". He does, however, have the distinction of being the first ki
ng of Scotland of whom there are coronation details available. He was crow
ned in August 1057 at Scone Abbey in Perthshire, Scotland.
Lulach (Lulach mac Gillai Comgain) (c. 1029 – March 17, 1058), was Ki
ng of Scots between August 15, 1057 and March 17, 1058.
He appears to have been a weak king, and was indeed known as Lulach the Si
mple or Lulach the Fool. He does, however, have the distinction of being t
he first king of Scotland of whom there are coronation details availabl
e. He was crowned in August 1057 at Scone in Perth and Kinross.
Lulach was said to be the son of princess Gruoch of Scotland (Lady Macbeth
), from her first marriage to Gilla Coemgáin, Mormaer of Moray, and thus t
he stepson of Mac Bethad. Following the death in battle of Macbeth in 105
7, the king's followers placed Lulach in the throne, despite strong resist
ance from the of faction of Máel Coluim III. Lulach ruled only for a few m
onths before being assassinated and succeeded by Máel Coluim.