REFN: 3063AN REFN: P3064 Adam De Gordun, 7th of that Ilk Adam De Gordun married an English woman named Marjory and in her right possessed an estate in England for which he had to do homage to the English King [Henry III]. Alexander of Scotland h ad died the previous year [1286] and his grand daughter, the young Maid of No rway, died in 1290 leaving the throne vacant. The matter was referred to Edwa rd I [of England] who decided in favor of John Balliol to whom Adam adhered. ["Braveheart" fame] ...he [John Balliol] raised an army in the West which w as joined by Adam whose Berwickshire lands were plundered by the English duri ng Edward’s victorious invasion of Scotland. When, on the 28th of April 1296, the armies met on the field of Dunbar, Adam was one of the large number whic h fell in that fight so fatal to Scottish independence. He left a son.