REFN: 3059AN
REFN: P3060
Died in battle at Halidon Hill.
Adam De Gordun, 8th of that Ilk
He escaped from Dunbar...and was compelled to surrender at Elgin on the
28th July. His mother, Marjory, had no option but to submit and swear
fealty befor e Edward I which she did on 3rd September. When, in the
spring of 1297, Sir W illiam Wallace commenced his noble and patriotic
struggle, he was joined by A dam who shared his hardships and brilliant
exploits. He distinguished himself at Stirling Bridge, but again had to
see Scotland under the feet of the Engl ish after Falkirk, a defeat due
mainly to the jealousy and treachery of some of the Scottish nobles.
1308 was an eventful year for Sir Adam. Edward I had d ied the previous
year but he continued his adherence to his successor, Edward II from who
he reserved [grant of land and to John Balliol].
During same ye ar he was able to be of service to Robert the Bruce. He
secured from Edward I I the release of Lamberton, Bishop of St. Andrews
and Primate, who had been i mprisoned in 1306 for his part in the
coronation of Bruce, and also by his ex ertions saved the life of Sir
Thomas Randolph...[a major follower of Bruce’s] .
The death of John Balliol in 1314 released Sir Adam from fealty to him
and he sought an interview with Robert Bruce. He took service under
Randolph who was created Earl of Moray, fighting under his banner at
Bannockburn in June, 1314. His services were rewarded by the King
granting him new lands [Strathb ogie] and employing him on state affairs
of high importance...
Sir Adam and Sir Edward Maubisson were chosen to carry the Proclamation
of Arbroath, setti ng forth the grievances suffered from the English and
praising the character and rule of Robert..., to the Pope.
He left by his wife, Annabella, at least f our sons and a daughter. Of
these, the eldest son, Alexander succeeded to the Gordun lands, while
William, the second son got Stichell as settled by chart er of 1315 and
from him are descended the Gordons in Galloway (Vol. XII & XII I). John
and Thomas became priests and died unmarried; the daughter, Mary, ma rried
Sir Walter Hambledon of Cadzow.