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Male Alexander I Dunkeld Click to view Alexander I Dunkeld in the family tree

Alexander I was born in 1078 in Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland.  Alexander I's father was Malcolm III Caennmor and his mother was Margaret Atheling.  His paternal grandparents were I Duncan and Aelflaed of Northumbria; his maternal grandparents were Edward Aethling and Agatha Von Braunschweig. He had four brothers and two sisters, named Heth Ethelred of, UNKNOWN, Edmund I of, David I, Mary and Matilda Dunkeld of.  He was the third youngest of the seven children. He had three half-brothers named II, UNKNOWN and UNKNOWN.  He died at the age of 46 in April 1124 in Scotland.

Alexander I's first family with ? MacEth

Alexander I's second family with Sybilla FitzHenry

They had a son and a daughter, named UNKNOWN and ?.

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