REFN: 6603AN
ROBERT DE TREGOZ was probably the son of William DE TREGOZ (who owed the s
ervice of 1½ knights in the Cotentin in 1172), and may also have been t
he man of that name who was a partisan of the young King Henry (eldest s
on of Henry II) in 1173 and attested his charters in 1175. [Complete Peera
ge XII/2:17-8, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
Note: CP does not indicate any parents for William, father of Robert de Tr
egoz of Ewyas. However the line by Dave Utzinger indicates that William w
as the son of "Le Sire de Tregoz" who fought at the Battle of Hastings. Cl
early Robert, being born around 1169 or not more than a decade before, wou
ld not be the grandson of a man born before 1047 (in order to fight in 106
6), but he might be the great grandson. Therefore I am making William a s
on of William, son of "Le Sire de Tregoz".
TREGOZ (of Ewyas Harold)
Observations.-There can be little doubt that the families of Tregoz, centr
ed in East Anglia and south-east England in the 12th century, were relate
d, and it is very probable that the Tregoz lords of Ewyas Harold, co. Here
ford, were also connected with these families. The name comes from Troisgo
ts: Manche, arr. St. Lô, cant. Tessy-sur-Vire [Complete Peerage XII/2:16].
ROBERT DE TREGOZ was probably the son of William DE TREGOZ (who owed the s
ervice of 1½ knights in the Cotentin in 1172), and may also have been t
he man of that name who was a partisan of the young King Henry (eldest s
on of Henry II) in 1173 and attested his charters in 1175. Robert was acti
ve in Normandy during the reigns of Richard I and John. He was with the Ki
ng there in 1190 and during the years 1194-99, being called the King's Ste
ward in 1194; and was bailiff of the Cotentin in 1195 and 1197, and und
er John. An agreement made between King Richard and the Count of Flande
rs in 1197 was witnessed by Robert, who in 1200 was at the determinati
on of the bounds between Evreux and Neufbourg after the peace between Ki
ng John and Philip Augustus. During the years 1200-04 he was warden of t
he castles of Gavray, Neaufle and Similly, and custodian of the lands of S
imon Pevilene; and in November 1204 he went on royal business to Flander
s. He remained faithful to the English Crown after 1204, and his escheat
ed lands in Trégots, Favarches and St. Romphaire were granted by Philip Au
gustus to Miles de Lévis, November 1218. Robert went to the continent on r
oyal business with William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke, in the spring of 120
5. He was also active in England, holding many offices during the rei
gn of Richard I. The castle of Salisbury was in his care, 1190-94, and aga
in in 1198 and 1199; he was keeper of the royal houses at Clarendon, 1190-
93, and sheriff of Wiltshire in 1191. He farmed Gastard, in Corsham, Wilt
s, 1191-94, was granted money from Warminster in 1193, and farmed the lan
ds of Geoffrey Hose in Wilts, 1197-1200. He also farmed Bristol, 1196-9
9. Robert answered for the lands of Alan de Hairun in 1200, was granted es
tates, in payment of the King's debts to him, at Pencombe, co. Herefor
d, in 1205, and in the following year he received the manor of Chelwort
h, Sornerset.
He married, possibly in 1198, Sibyl, daughter and heir of Robert de Ewya
s, lord of Ewyas Harold, co. Hereford, by Pernel (Petronilla), his wife (l
iving 28 October 1204.) He died some time before 29 April 1215. Sibyl marr
ied, 2ndly, before 13 February 1216/7, Roger, son of Walter DE CLIFFOR
D, of Clifford Castle, co. Hereford. She died shortly before 1 July 123
6. [Complete Peerage XII/2:17-8, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
The following is excerpted from a post to SGM, 26 Apr 1998, by Dave Utzing
Note: Dave's source has Robert son of William, son of "Le Sire de Tregoz
", but I have Robert son of William, son of William, son of "Le Sire de Tr
From: UTZ (
Subject: TREGOZE, part 3
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