REFN: 12363AN
That the noble family of Tregoze is of Norman extraction is highly probabl
e; and that
"LE SIRE DE TREGOZ " was at Hastings in 1066, appears by John Foxe's co
py of Battle Abbey Roll; or rather his "List of noble Normans who settl
ed in England at the Conquest." Leland's copy of the Roll of Battle Abb
ey (which indeed is the best; for that eminent antiquary saw and transcrib
ed the original), confirms John Foxe's, after its rhyming fashion; assuri
ng us that there were there, "Gurney et Greilly, Tregos et Trylly."
The said " Sire de Tregoz " was unquestionably father of William. [The Top
ographer and Genealogist, Volume II, 1853]