- b.~ 1000 in Wassenburg, Rhineland, Prussia d.UNKNOWN
- b.~ 1030 in France d.1092
- b.~ 1015 in Rhineland, Prussia d.UNKNOWN
- b.BET 1060 AND 1063 in Wassenberg, Rheinland, Prussia d.1138 in Guelderland
- b.~ 1091 in Wassenberg, Rheinland, Prussia d.02 Oct 1131 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
- b.BET 1019 AND 1026 in Poitou, Longwy, France d.24 May 1086 in Chize
- b.BET 987 AND 995 in Bourgogne, France d.10 Nov 1068 in Italy
- b.~ 1048 in Wassenberg, Rheinland, Prussia d.4 JAN 1141/42
- b.BET 1000 AND 1012 in Alsace, France d.11 Nov 1048 in Thuim, Hainault, Belgium
- b.~ 1025 in Melithe, Longwy, France d.> 1058 in Poitou, France
- b.~ 1000 d.~ 1035
- b.BET 1117 AND 1130 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands d.04 Dec 1182 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
- b.~ 1000 in Nifterlake, Netherlands d.UNKNOWN
- b.BET 1025 AND 1059 in Nifterlake, Netherlands d.~ 1084 in in battle
- b.BET 1059 AND 1060 in Zutphen, Guelders, Netherlands d.1113
- b.~ 1000 in Brauweiler, Holland d.10 Apr 1031
- b.~ 1025 in Zutphen, Guelders, Netherlands d.> 1059
- b.~ 1000 in Zutphen, Guelders, Netherlands d.UNKNOWN
- b.BET 1084 AND 1095 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands d.BET 1141 AND 1142
- b.~ 1040 in Arnstein-an-der-Lahn, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia d.< 1084
- b.BET 1060 AND 1075 in Arnstein-an-der-Lahn, Hessen-Nassau, Prussia d.~ 1118
- b.~ 1000 d.UNKNOWN
- b.~ 1040 in Zutphen, Guelders, Netherlands d.UNKNOWN
- b.~ 1000 d.UNKNOWN
- b.~ 1150 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands d.>30 Apr 1207 in Gelderland, Netherlands
- b.~ 0970 d.UNKNOWN
- b.~ 1070 in Arnstein, Holland d.UNKNOWN
- b.~ 1110 in Arnstein, Holland d.~28 May 1120
- b.BET 1128 AND 1138 in Arnstein, Unterfranken, Bavaria d.BET 1175 AND 1179 in Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
- b.~ 1100 d.UNKNOWN